Front formed to fight for Taleigao

PANJIM, JUNE 22 - Stung by the gram sabha resolution not to oppose the mega housing projects, a group of people mostly from Dona Paula area today formed a Taleigao Bachao Abhiyan to oppose all such projects.

The members of the Abhiyan include top businessman Anand Madgavkar, Johansan Fernandes, Shanti Almeida, Shrikant Naik, Pundalik Raikar and Agnelo Silveira.

At a maiden meeting of the Abhiyan which was attended by 100-odd residents, members renewed their apprehensions over the mega housing projects.

"The government is giving licences to the projects without taking into consideration the pressure this will put on existing infrastructure," said a member.

"As of now we have problems of water, sewage and electricity and the mega housing projects will add pressure on this, besides the increasing vehicular traffic," said another member.

Another member asked "can common man in Goa afford a flat in such projects?" and answered the question with a big 'NO'.

"The rates of the flats are very, very high, which only the outsiders can afford," he said.

Others felt that the result of such projects is that the land rates in the village has gone sky-rocketing and is beyond the reach of common man.

This has tempted the farmers in the village to sell their land for huge sum of money, some other members felt.

The Abhiyan also took a potshot at the local MLA saying some people opposed IT habitat but are not opposing the mega housing projects as "this is benefiting them."

They also criticized the gram sabha as "it is being held in most undemocratic way and members are not allowed to speak by the shouting supporters of the MLA."

Meanwhile, the Abhiyan has decided to take up the fight against the projects by appointing two representatives in each ward of the village and create awareness amongst people of the ill effects of the projects.

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