To Goanet -

Tony de Sa wrote:
>The figures given by Lionel Messias on the opulent indulgence of the
>Ministers by way of their food, drink and air fare bills are a constant
>source of amazement to me.
>When there are people starving in India and even in Goa, when DSS 
>does not reach the needy, when villages cry for better roads, water supply,
>electricity, such wasteful and ostentatious expenditure is a crime
>perpertrated on the people of Goa.

Tony is, of course, right.  I had mooted the idea of
a PIL.  A friend reminds me that there is a precedent
at the Centre where, some years ago, a President's 
entourage on foreign jaunts was severely pruned
following a successful PIL ruling.

But don't count on anyone here.  You will be in 
this alone.  Should you initiate efforts in that 
direction, expending your own time & money, brace 
yourself for lots of useless advice, and the din 
of the usual vacuous noise-makers.  The resident 
cut & paste maestro will accuse you of secretly 
conspiring to bring BJP back to power, the resident 
dissenter will dissent from behind her gates of 
paradise (or is it "corner of paradise"?), the 
resident "intellectual" will compose a sentence 
with the word "introspect" and beseech you to 
look at his droppings, ooops, I mean, "thoughts."  
But don't run them down, okay?  Pecking at the
keyboard is hard work, don't you understand?

Warm regards,


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