[1] Gilbert Lawrence wrote: Likely these people (mostly unemployed and
mentally handicapped) have all the time on their hands to take good
care to make a productive tomato plant.

[2] Roland Francis replied: Encouraging mentally handicapped and
unemployed people to grow tomatoes in order to hone their growing
skills with a view to alleviating their poverty is an idea that must
surely be reflective of the bankruptcy of thought of some Americans.

== jc's response==

Dear Roland,

I wish you had not joined Gilbert by dys-calling these
individuals,"mentally handicapped".

BTW: Growing tomatoes (and other garden vegetables) is known to do
more for the disavdantaged than mere 'alleviation of proverty'. Inter
alia, it provides them with a sense of responsibility, a space for
reflection, and the feeling of achievement when they see the fruit of
their labour.

All these contribute to their sense of purpose for living in this
world where the really mentally disabled folks are the pompous ones
who beat their chests and show off that "They are the Best".

Perhaps those ones need some extra large pots to grow some extra
large-headed tomatoes.


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