                      **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

   South Asian Film Festival in Goa from Fri (June 27) to Mon (June 30)

                   At Kala Academy, and ESG, Panaji, Goa


To Goanet -

The maker of the photo documentary "The Rape of Goa" 
was invited twice by the Don Bosco High School in Panjim 
for screenings to students and faculty.  Two screenings 
were held last Friday.  Unfortunately, I was held up in 
Pilerne this morning and could not make it to today's 
scheduled show.

All this is clear proof that this "saffronite" (according to 
a leading cut & paste Brazilian-born alleged journo 
residing in Goa) and a re-incarnation of "Hitler" (according 
to a "Mommy-I-beg-of-you-to-call-me-an-intellectual"
Goan weenie) has successfully penetrated and manipulated 
a leading Catholic establishment in Goa.

The clincher in the complete takeover of Don Bosco
by the saffron lobby comes from this token of 
appreciation presented to this saffronite at last Friday's 
screening, within touching distance of the DB Chapel.  
Shocking, indeed.


The Church ought to commence a full-blown investigation
into this deeply troubling development.

Warm regards,


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