                      **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

   South Asian Film Festival in Goa from Fri (June 27) to Mon (June 30)

                   At Kala Academy, and ESG, Panaji, Goa


 Dear Anil,
So you are actually expressly soliciting incoherent remarks --you are
perhaps not joking?

Miguel's remark about the phallic fetish was said in context to Rajan text
where he used the word ejaculate. You know that don't you, This word along
with ejaculation has more than one meaning and is often employed as
double-entendre (double meaning, in Marathi koddea ni bolna) by those in
possession of sharp-wit. Do make an analogy between what these stalwarts
were engaging in. Miguels was a retort to Rajan. They both know what they
are saying. What purpose will it serve Anil for you to bring this up? Convey
your hurt in a way that will bring your cause understanding, rather than
applying a higher factor to it and inviting incoherent remarks. If something
really hurt me, I would say it. Now you are not me (in a way we are though
going by the highest tenets of Dharma and sangha), but still you have better
language than my feeble attempts to put things across, Its like Bush saying,
"Bring it on," which is crude and does not accomplish much by way of
bringing people together. Unless that is not the intent.

Btw, ithyphallic is a proud amd reverential term at least in Art History. It
was regarded as indecent by Victorians, as were other words that defeaned
their senses and jolted their false realities as the public face of that
society. Furthermore, there are paintings depicting the naked Christ with
exposed genitalia (conveying the aspect of becoming man), that is, before
the Christian world turned relatively prude. In the past aside from the
hedonism, ithyphallic gods like Bacchus who were considered too salacious
for timid minds and newer societies. I have not to my knowledge, come across
a Goanetter who has has regarded Shiva (Rudra, Mahesh, and his 1008 names)
in crude and crafty light.

I will not participate any further in this discussion if my views are placed
in poor light.


Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2008 17:43:02 +0100
> From: "anil desai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet] Bigotry on goanet - and Miguel Braganza
> Dear Goanetters,
> I have been contributing to goanet for several months now and I have
> expressed my concerns about bigoted views expressed by some individuals on
> this forum. this should be of concern to all of us.
> I quote below the dictionary definition of Bigot below:
> *Bigot*
> Big"ot\, n. [F. bigot a bigot or hypocrite, a name once given to the
> Normans
> in France. Of unknown origin; possibly akin to Sp. bigote a whisker; hombre
> de bigote a man of spirit and vigor; cf. It. s-bigottire to terrify, to
> appall. Wedgwood and others maintain that bigot is from the same source as
> Beguine, Beghard.]
> 1. A hypocrite; esp., a superstitious hypocrite. [Obs.]
> 2. A person who regards his own faith and views in matters of religion as
> unquestionably right, and any belief or opinion opposed to or differing
> from
> them as unreasonable or wicked. In an extended sense, a person who is
> intolerant of opinions which conflict with his own, as in politics or
> morals; one obstinately and blindly devoted to his own church, party,
> belief, or opinion.
> To doubt, where bigots had been content to wonder and believe. --Macaulay.
> Now consider how Miguel Braganza has been writing about the infamous VCD
> and
> expressing his anguish about the pain felt by Catholics.
> Then in a recent post he wrote thus:
> Manohar Parrikar cannot be an incarnation of Vishnu. He is an
> "addvo Bamonn" affiliated to Partagal Mutt [not to be confused for
> "Portugal"] and so is a Shiva worshipper [Hence,perhaps, Rajan
> Parrikar's phallic fetish].
> My response
> It is alright to make any derogatory remarks that would be profoundly
> offensive to thousands of Shiva worshippers and Hindus like myself in Goa
> and outside, isnt it? Miguel, what should interest you to know is that
> bigoted views of bigots are not just restricted to religion but apply to
> politics as well. So, go on. Let us have more of your incoherent rants.
> Anil Desai

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