--- On Mon, 6/30/08, CORNEL DACOSTA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> By way of an illustration, accommodation in a proper
> gated community in Bangalore and Delhi that I have
> seen for returning people re the current reverse brain
> drain, costs around £5000 or Rs 400,000 a month 
For some odd reason I had figured you to be an honorable man. Ofcourse that was 
before I had any dealings with you. Now, that I have had the misfortune of 
meeting you, my opinion has been quite revised.

To begin with, here is a quote that proves you know nothing about India but are 
happy to make your own facts. Even with great economic strides made in India, 
the percentage of people who can afford a rent of Rs400,000 per month would be 
minuscule. So I did a random search of rents in gated communities in India, 
Bangalore to be precise.


The link above proves that it is Rs40,000 per month which is about what a 
middle-class person in Bangalore would be able to afford. If one were to rent a 
gated-community in Goa, I doubt the rent would be above Rs20,000 per month.

I will also accept it if you insist that you
> are indeed paying this kind of money (for a
> conventionally understood gated community and of the
> kind I have also seen in Rio and Chennai but am
> unaware of the cost), 
I happened to have mentioned Chennai, where I spent sometime this March. All of 
a sudden we discover that Cornel too has been to Chennai and has been doing a 
survey of gated-communities there.  So Cornel tell us when were you last in 
Chennai and what did you find out about gated communities there?

As the premises are not on any printed
> map because they are very new, I had to initially find
> out their location from estate agents who had the
> flats for sale on line.
Cornel I believe any reasonable person who can't find the location to the house 
usually calls up the host to find out directions, which I recall you did. 
Rarely does a person call up the real-estate agent to get the location to the 
house you've been invited for lunch.

> b) at one point, you claimed that I must have missed
> the gate! Do check this point as a fact. In other
> words you initially took the line that there was
> indeed a visible gate that I had somehow missed as
> well as a substantial fence around, that I had also
> somehow missed! 
Cornel, no need to rely on memory. This is what I wrote, and I quote:

"It could also just be that you missed the wrought-iron gates around it, the 
24/7 security guard, the security cameras, the concierge, the 24 hour 
maintenance team, the manicured lawns, the under-ground parking space, the 
enclosed gardens, the gym and the terrace garden"

In my haste, I mistakenly put gate when I meant wrought-iron fence but the fact 
that I meant fence is understood by me using the word "around it". Now you 
yourself acknowledged in your post that there is a wrought-iron fence around 
it, even though you insist that an "arthritic chappie like you" could jump over 
it. Infact on one side there is a wall with a barbed-wire on it. As for the 
other things I mentioned, please I want you to tell me which of those was I 
exaggerating or lying about. 

> Let me end by saying that, I really get quite tired of
> some Goans in the West, trying to impress fellow
> Goans, particularly in Goa/India with exaggerated
> spoken and written claims about rosy living conditions
> here. In my book, this is something terribly wrong to
> do. Providing an accurate picture is one thing but not
> something that may be quite untrue and grossly
> exaggerated. 
No Cornel I was not trying to impress anyone. My initial post was about gated 
communities in India and why they are mushrooming there for the sake of 
convenience. In that post I wrote two sentences, about gale-winds in Britain, 
about a garden I play with my daughter in, and about me living in a 
gated-community similar to the ones mushrooming all over the world. I 
distinctly remember the post was about "middle-class aspirations" and nowhere 
do I remember asserting that I belong to the elite, affluent upper-classes of 
either India or Britain because I don't. I do however think that I have every 
right to call myself middle-class. Nor did I describe the community or pretend 
that it is on Rodeo drive or Kensington.

It is you who went on a tangent and wrote as if I live in a hovel and a slum 
here in London. Infact when you well know that I live in very decent dwellings 
here. I have never felt the need to impress fellow Goans about my residence. I 
lived in America for years and you'll be hard pressed to find a single post on 
Goanet about my residence or anything about my living conditions. 

This I assure you will my last post not just on this subject but possibly ever 
addressed to you.

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