--- On Tue, 7/1/08, JOHN MONTEIRO wrote:
> One reason my mother was BORN in Bombay 7 Sept 1923 
> was that her parents relationship was out of 
> wedlock, similarly my own mother's relationship 
> with Casimiro Emerito Teles Jordao Rozo Monteiro 
> was was also the same.
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2008 06:00:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Legitimacy, illegitimacy are all man-made labels
foisted on people. Human beings are much more organic
and dynamic than society expects them to be. A piece
of paper does not legitimize the existence of a human
being nor does it give legitimacy to the union that
created that human  being. A person born out of
wedlock might have been conceived with much more love
and passion than one born within a marriage contract.
Mario responds:
Neither John nor his mother had anything to do with
how they were conceived, born or brought up as
children.  If they turned out well as adults and are
happy and productive human beings, they should be
commended because they did so against heavy odds,
especially within the Indian social context.  
I do not recall any mention of "legitimacy or
illegitimacy" until Selma gratuitously inserted these
concepts into her response.  Also, Selma's fatuous
statements describing the institution of marriage as a
"piece of paper" are spurious and irresponsible as
social commentary, even though she has a right to
express her opinion of what marriage means to her.
Conceiving a child out of wedlock may be based on love
and passion, or it may be based on low self-esteem,
animal lust, selfishness and self-interest without
consideration for the norms of society, one's
religion, or the best interests of the child.  John
has mentioned that his mother was abandoned as a
child.  I cannot even imagine what that must be like
for a child.
No one really knows for sure within a particular
relationship but the adults are better able to cope -
it is almost always the child who bears the burden or
pays a price.

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