  I just read the link you supplied, its very interesting, but now I am in a 
quandry! I have put on several extra pounds since giving up smoking way back in 
1989 & have never been able to shift this extra bulge around the middle of my 
  It took 10 million years (the report says) for us to develop into the 
creatures we are, finding two legs being more efficient, using 75% less energy, 
also 75% LESS CALORIES too............. that is quite a quandry for me! Maybe 
not!  It may be startling to my family, friends and my staff to see me crawling 
about on all fours, sweating (& swearing about my poor knees & the holes in my 
trouser legs...)
  Having tried all sorts of diets over the years have had no effect, it could 
be related to my genes / parentage (oops, I take that back, lets just say 
genes...) / or even my age now, but over 19 years this has NOT shifted a 
centimetre! My wife tells me (oops I must be a bit more PC these days, on 
Goanet anyway, I meant to say.... my partner....) assures me that its my 
addiction to spicy food (ALL types of spicy except PHALL) & my daily doses red 
wine (limited to 3 glasses per day) is the cause of my diets not being taken 
seriously, its limited my ability to lose the amounts of calories over a week!
  I work seven days a week but feel I can probably do my job over a 4-day-week 
AND lose some of my weight in the bargain, if I could travel on all fours 
instead! Its tempting now to reduce my weekly work hours, to 40 hour week 
instead of a 80+ hour, walk on all fours & lose the 75% more calories at the 
same time.  Absolute geniues!  
  No doubt there will be usual snide remarks 'emanating' from 'the unholy 
trinity' regarding my new (tempting but not-very-well-thought-out) lifestyle & 
travel plans to & from work, but if I do take it up, I will let you all know 
(in as fewer words as possible), ha ha
  Thanks for the link, it was not only informative but quite interesting! And 
YES, I WAS joking there............... but its a thought, perhaps 
someone......... no, didnt think so.....
  John Monteiro

Samir Kelekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Seb writes: Q. How many legs do you 
have?............I googled for "how many legs do humans have" 
 do humans walk on two legs? To save energy............I thought that was 
interesting! regards, Samir

  John Monteiro  

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