Vaz in fighting mood as he challenges reporters
By Sarah Womack, Political Correspondent
Last updated: 3:56 PM BST 19/06/2001

KEITH Vaz was back where he is happiest yesterday, at the centre of a
media scrum.

Just 24 hours after going to ground over the Hinduja passport affair,
the minister was joshing with reporters, cracking jokes about Kashmiri
demonstrators ("are they my supporters?") and saying he thought he was
good at his job. In sharp contrast to Thursday, when he fled a Foreign
Office drinks reception, Mr Vaz spent 15 minutes outside India House
answering questions.

He was very pleased, he said, that there was going to be an
investigation into the passport issue. Pressed repeatedly by BBC
Newsnight's Jeremy Vine on his links with the Hinduja brothers, he
gave nothing away. "I don't think you are yet Lord Chief Justice Vine,
and there is an inquiry going on into this," he said, smiling.

He did not think that the inquiry chairman, Sir Anthony Hammond, QC,
who he described as the most talented lawyer of his generation, would
want to take evidence via a BBC current affairs programme. In
combative mood, Mr Vaz then demanded to know where the Sun's political
reporter, Paul Gilfeather, was. The newspaper had given the minister a
rough ride - branding him Mr Vaseline "partly because of his oily
charm and partly because of his name" and claiming that he had "done a
runner" in the cash for passports row.

When Mr Vaz, 44, received no reply, he demanded: "Is the Mirror here?"
It had alleged that he had offered to let the Hinduja brothers draft a
letter to Mr Blair and Mr Mandelson which he would "top and tail".
Some journalists were going to look very foolish by the time the
Hinduja inquiry was over, he predicted confidently. Mr Vaz said it was
a matter of public record that he had made representations for the
Hinduja family as a Member of Parliament.

He suggested that media and opposition charges against him were in
part racially motivated. He said: "I don't like this hint of 'Why
should an Indian person get a passport?' " Asked if he was implying
that he was the victim of racist smears, Mr Vaz smiled and replied
that that was not what he had said. Mr Vaz's other media appearances
included an early-morning interview on Radio Leicester and BBC Radio

Last night he was attending a visa forum, chaired by Piara Khabra, a
fellow Asian Labour MP, in Southall, west London. Back in 1994, Mr
Vaz's wife, Maria, launched a campaign for shorter Commons sessions,
saying: "When Keith comes home late at night, he is often so exhausted
that he falls asleep in mid-sentence." He must have been shattered
Story from Telegraph News:


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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