By Valmiki Faleiro

Goa’s land is fast being alienated. Sooner than we think, our identity will be 
forever. We almost are a minority in our own house. Someday, the rare Goan in 
may be glorified in a museum niche. In a way, we need not despair. Pardon my
flippancy, but we overlook one phenomenal aspect of Goan land – it grows!

The thought won’t cross our minds, habituated as we are to the daily phenomenon.
‘Growing’ Goan land is so common a happenstance that we hardly notice it. I was
sitting in a courtroom of the Goa Bench of the Bombay High Court many years ago.
Waiting for my advocate, himself a future Justice, over my Writ Petition 
querying why
motorcycle helmets were mandated for all except Sikhs. Whether the Sardar’s 
had the same protective value as the ISI-mark helmet or whether government was 
the opinion that there was nothing worth protection inside the Sardarji’s head.

Arguments on a judicial appeal were in progress. Two of Goa’s arguably best 
minds were arguing. The matter pertained to a boundary dispute between two
adjoining landowners in some Goan village.

With a plethora of land records – colonial and post-1961, including land 
descriptions, ‘matriz’ descriptions, surveys (old and new), record of rights, 
etc. – one
would imagine there was no scope for a land boundary dispute in Goa. Hold on!

The senior visiting judge on the bench was a keenly observant and sharp-minded
Parsi gentleman, Justice Barucha if I err not, who later rose to the country’s 

The issue at stake was that the common boundary line between the two properties
did not match. Viewed from one side, the boundary transgressed into the other
property. And vice versa. Title deeds and supporting documents do at best 
the boundaries of a property. Only the land survey map shows them as existing on
the ground, on paper, in a proportionately reduced scale. But, then, catch 
Goa’s land
survey maps to be accurate. Each of the Senior Counsels argued the case of each 
the two warring property owners. Both seemed right!

Survey maps produced by the owners of their respective property substantiated 
fact that indeed, either or both the adjoining properties had, over time, 
morphed their
boundaries in such manner that the line of their common boundary overlapped. In
other words, either or both properties had ‘grown’ in size. Listening intently 
to the
arguments and counter-arguments by the two learned legal luminaries, the judge, 
brow deeply furrowed and with much deliberation, finally observed:

“All of life,” the Hon’ble Justice began, “I’ve known two things in the world 
that grow
naturally – a healthy baby and a healthy business.” He then paused, looked even
more intently at the contending Senior Counsels and, a faint smile now playing 
on his
countenance, said, “But, for the first time, I see that even land grows 
naturally in

The suppressed giggles in the courtroom were almost audible. The crux was, while
the area of one property as it were grew automatically, the area of the adjacent
property correspondingly diminished!

Mysteriously shifting property boundaries should rank the single biggest cause 
property litigation in Goa. The extent of land boundary litigation in our 
courts of law
should easily convince us that compulsive encroaching into the neighbour’s 
is a national Goan trait.

To me, mercifully, the import of this ‘growing land’ phenomenon had hit home 
The ancestral land on which I live, mercifully again, is bounded by a municipal 
on one side and a Comunidade watercourse (‘nallah’) on the other. That leaves 
two flanks to encroach or being encroached upon…

Let’s keep that interesting story for next Sunday. (To conclude.)

COMMUNAL CLASH? For the third time, a private row near Margao was converted
into a public headache for the town. This new phenomenal private-public 
formula needs two duelists, one a Hindu and the other a Muslim migrant, to 
fight over
any personal matter.

The Sangh Parivar apparatus – whose visible face is the Bajrang Dal, the other
ominous arms hiding behind a ‘purdah’ – immediately descends on Pimplapedd,
Margao’s centrally-located place of Hindu worship. The Sangh Parivar then spews
venom and shuts the town. Margao’s secular voices of sanity are drowned in the 

What kind of BJP politics is this? Digambar Kamat must also cease to be regarded
as the Protector General of Muslim migrants. Both sides – Parrikar and Digambar 
must learn from world history: that politics of hate has never paid long-term 
anywhere before. The monster, once big, has only turned round to bite the 

The Valmiki Faleiro weekly column at:


The above article appeared in the July 6, 2008 edition of the Herald, Goa

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