Richard Zimler has issued a strong rebuttal on Goa Research Net to the vacuous 
innuendo and prejudiced stereotyping that he has had to endure, both publicly 
and privately, from his detractors, on the basis of a fictional novel that none 
of them seems to have bothered to read.

In addition to cringing from Gilbert's rehashing below of his longstanding 
baseless hypothesis that Goan inquisition was a law enforcement exercise 
against criminals, I noted that he was accusing Zimler of making a claim that 
the latter had never made, namely that the inquisition was directed at 
non-converted Hindus. Zimler had clearly stated that its targets were the New 
Christians - converted Jews, Muslims and Hindus - with the intent to deter them 
from lapsing into their old ways.



Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > We are not "deniers" of the Goa Inquisition,
> as Richard Zimler and few
> > others claim!
> >
> > It is well established by British historians, who were
> based in India
> > around the time of the  Inquisition, and others, that
> the main targets of
> > the Goa Inquisition were Catholic Europeans and
> Catholic natives.  Richard's
> > twist (sensationalizing) to make everything about Goa
> Inquisition what it
> > ain't, is not going to succeed, despite his
> sophisticated English, many
> > books and attempts to present himself as a historian.
> >

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