To Goanet -

July 10, 2008:
Writing from the Mandovi Express en route to Mumbai.

We are right now rolling over the Mandovi river into Divar.  There's 
the church of Our Lady of Piedade in the distance, and oh, the 
finials of the Malar church just popped into view.  And the lush
green fields below- what a resplendent sight! 

Waiting for my train at the Karmali station, I got into a conversation
with my porter, a Gaudo from Karmali.  He said that a destruct 
job on the village of Karmali is in the works, courtesy
Pandurang Madkaikar.  He pointed to a lush field across the 
platform where, he said, a road is planned, and an adjoining 
orchard where Pandurang has ideas for a 5-star hotel.  He 
disclosed that Pandurang is currently active trying to displace 
longtime Gaude gaonkars of Karmali from their homes to make 
space for his illegitimate schemes.

As I have shown in photographs earlier, Pandurang has already 
deposited large concrete turds along the fields in Ella.  So this
threat is not to be taken lightly.

But not to worry.  The GBA has given a press conference, the
blue-eyed dolly has spoken.  That'll sort everything out.

Warm regards,


ps: Sent a day later since my Tata-Indicomm connection
ketp saying ta-ta every 15 seconds.

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