Seminar on "Right Move II - Career in Sports" held at International Centre

The International Centre Goa in association with the Taleigao Chess Academy 
organised a half day seminar on "Right Move II - Career in Sports" on Thursday, 
10 July 08.  Shri Subhash Shirodkar, Former Minister and currently President of 
Goa Olympic Association was the chief guest at the seminar.  The seminar  was 
attended by repersentatives of sports associations as well as physical 
education teachers.  The focus of the seminar was on the theme of employment 
opportunities in the field of sports for the youth of Goa and how to enhance 
our capabilities of competition.  Shri Pravin Sabnis conducted the seminar and 
discussions that followed.

Shri Shirodkar called upon the government to finalise and adopt Goa State 
Sports Policy at the earliest.  He also informed the gathering that he will 
urge the government to provide adequate funding for the sports and related 
activities.  He also briefed the audience about the preparation for the 
National Games 2011 to be held in Goa.  He felt that sports should be part of 
the regular education which will also facilitate and nurture the talent at very 
young age.

Shrikant Barve and Pravin Sabnis, Convener and Co-Convener respectively 
provided the framework for discussion by informing the audience about the 
importance of sports and how it can be made attractive and be put in the 
mainstream employment opportunities.  This seminar, Sabnis said, will decide on 
topics of the series of seminars that are being planned to promote sports as a 
attractive employment opportunity.  Second seminar in this series will be held 
in mid August at Don Bosco College, Panaji and thereafter in last week of 
August in Calangute.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2658109388/

Earlier, Ayub Zickriya, Asst. GM, ICG and Manish Kamble, President, TCA 
welcomed the chief guest and the audience.  Amongst participants included Mr. 
Savio of Goa Football Association and Mrs. Rajal Shinkre, Principal - Goa 
College of Home Science.

Shrikant Barve
Convener, The Right Move II-Career in Sport


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