
As an Indian Citizen, I am seriously concerned on the threat to my Goan
Identity (unique selling point), right to decent living in Goa & wide impact
of Goa's Destruction e.g. Tourism dependent economy. Some quote DIVINE Legal
restrictions of what can't be done!! Unlike other states, Goa's genuine case
must be logically resolved; URGENTLY!!

Legal limitations must change for the people of the land. But first let's
explore the Constitution's Article 19 (5) with provisions to sub-clauses (d)
to move freely through out the territory of India & (e) to reside and settle
in any part of the territory of India. (Google search: "Article 19; Indian
Constitution") Did India's Visionaries put in safe-guards to protect genuine

The key obstacle to Goa getting Special Status (as obtained by few other
states) are Corrupt Politicians, Greedy Investors etc in
Goa/Delhi/India/World with big monetary/land stakes in Goa's decimation;
they oppose on the Constitution pretext. Will Goans allow this; isn't it
obvious of what we have to do?

* *

Arwin Mesquita, UAE.

Please read my Blog:

(1) http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/
(2) http://arwinmesquita.wordpress.com/2008/06/

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