                   **** http://www.GOANET.org ****
                 2008 International Goan Convention
                           Toronto, Canada

Sorry, but this is YOUR problem.

The typically Indian corrupt govt of Goa has long been intent on taking the maximum out of the ever increasing (and now AWFUL) tourist exploitataion of your beautiful state that they don't give a shit about about what happens to you and your environment. I only started started coming to Goa in 1994. It was still beautiful then but it is now a pits today!

It is not the fault of the tourist - it is just pure greed. But, isn't that the way of the world?

Goa now is just really is a cheap rubbish tourist resort for rubbish people - be they British, Russian etc etc. It used to be beautiful. It's now like Benidorm was twenty years ago - no regard for culture, people or morals - have a look at the Calangute road - bikinis in the street? Naked men? Tatoos?? Shuttered lockups as bars?? We shall NOT be returning.

From: "Goanet Reader"

Quepem by the kilo
By Hartman de Souza

This morning, as you read this, I ask you to mourn the rape
and murder of half a dozen steep, thickly forested hills
barely 12 kilometres from Quepem town. These form an integral
link of the magnificent Western Ghats that surround Goa, and
as any schoolchild studying the environment will tell you,
they play a crucial role in providing Goa its ecological wellbeing

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