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Exceprt from: Youth Arrested After 2.5 Yrs in Goa Jail, Disappears In
[Kashmir Observer]
According to Pervez, police officers asked them to leave Goa within an
hour, and though they had planned to travel by bus, they were
compelled to take a flight.

It is quite apparent that police set this up so it would be easy to grab him
again in Delhi. Imagine --- the day has finally dawned when no matter what
your financial status, you are even commanded to take a certain mode of
travel. No doubt about it. This must go very high. Someone is either feeling
really shit-faced and mad, has uncovered new evidence and wants to have
another day in court, invoke some law no one has heard of; or we too are
going the way of the super power(s). Or maybe its just that the pau-bhajee
acid reflux, with urac/feni acting up big time. For anyone who has had even
tangentially encountered our undercover cops these encounters are beyond the
beyond scary.

Its also says something if its really true that no lawyer in Goa was willing
to represent him. At times like this one remembers the New York lawyer, the
late William Kunstler who never shirked from representing those who had no
one as does Ron Kuby, continues does his protege .


> Message: 3
> Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2008 02:10:22 +0530
> From: "Goanet News" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet] Youth freed after 2 years in Goa,     re-arrested in
>        Delhi [Greater Kashmir]
> Youth freed after 2 years in Goa, re-arrested in Delhi [Greater Kashmir]
> Srinagar, July 11: A Kashmiri youth, acquitted by a Goa court of
> charges of possessing explosives, was re-arrested at Delhi Airport
> Thursday when he was on way to Srinagar, according to his family.
> Tariq Ahmad Batloo son of Jala-ud-Din of Badyar Basant Bagh here,
> working as a salesman in Goa, was arrested by Goa Police on March 3,
> 2006 on charges of possessing explosives.
> "It was March 3, 2006 when my brother was arrested by the Goa police,
> but we came to know about it on March 11 when Tariq was shown on TV
> channels. Tariq had been arrested when he was coming out from a Masjid
> after offering Friday prayers," Tariq's brother, Parvez Ahmad, told
> Greater Kashmir.
> Parvez and his cousin rushed to Goa after the arrest of Tariq in 2006.
> "When we met Tariq, he requested to arrange a lawyer from Kashmir for
> him. Police had implicated him in a false case. We stayed in Goa for a
> week and met Tariq twice."
> Tariq's family arranged a lawyer who went to Goa to plead his case.
> "No lawyer in Goa was willing to fight Tariq's case," Parvez revealed.
> Finally, the Goa court acquitted Tariq on July 10 after more than two
> years of imprisonment. Back home his family was jubilant and his
> brother Parvez and cousin Asif Iqbal went to Goa to receive Tariq.
> "Yesterday, after completing all the formalities, Tariq was released
> from jail. As three of us were coming out of the jail premises, a
> police Gypsy was following us. We took Tariq to a barber for shave. As
> we were leaving the shop, policemen bundled all of us in the Gypsy and
> took us to Vasco police station," Parvez said.
> At the police station, according to Parvez, they were asked to leave
> Goa immediately and take first available flight. "We hadn't enough
> money at disposal, but still decided to go by air at least till Delhi.
> We were harassed at Goa Airport by the police and agencies. As we were
> leaving Delhi Airport, a white Ambassador car DL-5020 and a Gypsy
> followed us."
> "Suddenly the vehicles stopped and eight to 10 policemen in civvies
> pounced on Tariq and whisked away him to an unknown destination. We
> were threatened by the policemen to immediately leave Delhi. We came
> back by road and just reached home," he said.
> As the news about Tariq's re-arrest broke out, mourning started at his
> home. His family members and neighbors have decided to launch protests
> against the re-arrest of Tariq. "If court acquitted him, why was he
> re-arrested and that too in Delhi. Kashmiris are being implicated in
> false cases everywhere in India," Parvez lamented.
> http://www.greaterkashmir.com/full_story.asp?Date=12_7_2008&ItemID=39&cat=1
> * * *

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