Recently, I was involved in a dialog on a net-chat (not private conversation) 
with an esteemed Goan historian.  Below is the conversation, based on a 
reference the historian kindly provided me on the exact quote and the context 
of St. Francis Xavier request for the Inquisition to be introduced to Goa.  
This dialog should be  educational to Goanet members and others on other Goan 
websites. So please feel free to forward this post..  I have withheld the name 
of this renowned historian.  This dialog is about Francis Xavier and not 
opinions of current individual persons.
Regards, GL.
Dear xxxx,
I am serious in the research of the Inquisition in Goa.  I do the reading to be 
best of the resources available to me. And perhaps that applies to all of us.  
I thank you for your pointers and your references. Perhaps to your annoyance, I 
do question what I read.
I am glad and thank you for posting the verbatim transcript of what Xavier 
requested and had in mind. Thanks for refreshing for us the reasoning that 
Xavier provided for his rational to introduce the inquisition to Goa. Each of  
of us can review Xavier's recommendations with the analysis provided.
To quote you: "The relevant letter is on p. 144: "The second need that India 
has, if those who live in it are to be good Christians, is that Your Highness 
should establish here the holy Inquisition, because there are many who, without 
any fear of God or human respect, live according to the Mosaic law and the 
tenets of the Moors.""
Does not the above refer to:
The living standards and moral behavior of  Europeans (rather than converted or 
non-converted Goans, who had no concepts of the Mosaic law and the tenets of 
the Moors)?
Is not the above a reference to multiple wives, mistresses, harems, concubines, 
prostitution, etc and the resultant illegitimate children ?
Perhaps you can explain to us the practical meaning of  "Mosaic law and the 
tenets of the Moors".
Perhaps you can explain to us the practical meaning of  "without any fear of 
God and human respect."
The above request by Xavier was not aimed to force the conversion of Hindus, as 
is being alleged.
The above request by Xavier was not to target the Jews or individuals of other 
faiths, as is being alleged.  
It is specifically requested to assure those Christians "who live in it are 
to be good Christians".  
Hence the Inquisition what Xavier had in mind to accomplish, is not the 
Inquisition that was subsequently used / abused.  Are we doing to Xavier's 
writings in the 16th century to what a few have currently done to yours?
In some of the analysis that I see, these historical individuals are in a 'no 
win situation'. This seem to be the case of the European Jesuits 
supporting Sudra priests v/s Brahmin-Chardo priests.  Thanks for your analysis. 
One can attribute any motivation to the Jesuits depending on 'whose ox is being 
gored' or the fictional novel one wants to write.
As we sit in judgment of these historical actions, perhaps we should also ask 
ourselves: What would have been our solutions, even with the benefit 
of hindsight?  This is a better option instead of second guessing the subaltern 
motifs of those individuals.  Perhaps the current writers / reviewers should be 
honest to inform us if there are any personal overt or covert subaltern motives 
/ situations that may be driving their own perspectives.
My reference below to the numbers killed at the Inquisition was a quote used by 
a Portuguese Historian Joao Felix Pereira.  It is aimed to point out that 
perhaps the information from some "authoritative sources", may need to be 
cross-checked for accuracy.   
Regards, Gilbert Lawrence,

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