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2008 Toronto International Goan Convention
Theme: Goan Identity And Networking Today.

Mario Miranda Festival, July 24-26,  2008 Old GMC Building

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Prof. Barad writes:
>As regards competency of Prof. Kamat to be a moderator I think CI rightly
>named him as Moderator for the meeting. 

>On this issue I am with Roland.  

>Best regards,

I have raised major issues about Prof. Kamat's tacit compliance in the major 
scams in Infotech corporation by being its director. What are
your answers to that when you say "CI rightly names him as Moderator"?
Have you even given thought to the issues I have raised?

I have got no satisfactory answers on the above from anyone.

Thus, I believe this citizen's initiative is not a citizen's initiative but in 
fact is something that gives credibility to this corporation called
Infotech corporation which is a scam of hundred of crores of peoples'

As such, I urge everyone to raise important questions before the meeting about 
Prof. Kamat, and failing to get
answers which need to be thoroughly verified, boycott this so called
citizen's initiative. In fact, such a forum is an insult to all
genuine law-abiding citizens of Goa.

And Floriano's points about Kamat saying that little sweet is going on
in Infotech
is further pouring salt into wounds of the activists who are fighting
this Infotech corporation in Court.

Kamat says that there are law suits. Who filed these law suits? It is 
we who have filed the law suits. Infotech corporation of which Kamat is a 
director is a defendent in this lawsuit
and Kamat cannot be absolved of his resposibility.

What has been Kamat's role in this? did he not go for a China trip
on tax payer's money or not ? Is he not party to all the land-scam
resolutions which were passed in the board meetings? He will do what
he wants, and are we to clean the dirt? 

Man, if you ask Narvekar if he is corrupt or not, he is obviously going to say 
no. It is only an idiotic mindset that just takes answers at a face value. 


                     **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

                    Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
                           July 25 - 30, 2008
                               Goa, India


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