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2008 Toronto International Goan Convention
Theme: Goan Identity And Networking Today.

Mario Miranda Festival, July 24-26,  2008 Old GMC Building

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Miguel suggests:
[Dr. G.N. Mishra, Fr. Antimo Gomes, Sr. Rita Fonseca, Dr. Shigurkar
or one of the former Acting Vice-Chancellors of Goa University [Dr. Adi
Doctor or Dr. Olivinho Gomes], also,   Mr. Alban Couto or Mr. J.C. Almeida 
or Dr.
Ajit Shirodkar.......... as possible  Moderators.

This is the first time that such names have come up. And this is more than 
welcomed  by the CI.

However, CI will not contact any of the above as it has already identified 
the moderator in Prof. MS Kamat and has announced his name as such.
Therefore, it will be left to Miguel and/or anyone else to contact the above 
person/s and convey to the CI (convenor) his/their wilingness  to moderate 
the debate on 30th. July. Only then CI will consider the possibility of 
substituting the present moderator for the debate. For that to happen, the 
communication to this effect must reach CI latest before 8 p.m. Monday, 28th 
July, 2008 along with the contact numbers of the candidate.

It must be understood that CI is more important than personalities and 
personal prestige issues especially since this first CI debate will set a 
precedent for the future debates and interactions. What the people want, 
people must get. However, the above consideration is subject to the 
acceptance by CI of the choice suggested with no promises made to effect the 
change,  given the tight timings.

This is for the kind information of one and all.

for CI
Floriano Lobo
Ph: 2470223
M- 9890470896

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Miguel Braganza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goanet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2008 9:22 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Goanet] Questions to Prof. Kamat and Citizen's Initiative

> Dears,
> If Prof Madhav S. Kamat is going to be the "Moderator" of the debate on
> "Should Goa University go Central?" one might as well write the conclusion
> before it starts!
> Whether it is the Infotech Board or the Goa Education Commission, M.S. has
> been a party to 'Recommendations" without any data whatsoever to support
> such recommendations. There are always willing persons, willing to lend
> their names to a report that has little content .... or value .... as long
> as they are paid handsomely for it......................

                     **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

                    Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
                           July 25 - 30, 2008
                               Goa, India


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