                     **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

                    Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
                           July 25 - 30, 2008
                               Goa, India


Dear Dr. Barad,

Well, I do not know what exactly the abbreviation "M.C." will mean tomorrow ... 
Master of Ceremony or Master of Confusion [Maestro Confusao]. At best , it is a 
leap into the unknown .... with two knowns: Dr. Jayant Budkuley and Mr. 
Sebastian Fernandes aka "Naxalite". Seby has come to town from Sri Lanka. Who 
else will speak, I do not know.

As far as I know as of now, my role will be to invite Prof. Madhav S.Kamat to 
take his seat on the dais. If it reminds you of the Pradesh Congress Committee 
or the CLPC tradition for proposing the name of the CM of PCC Chief, don't 
blame me. I am no politician.

It does seem peculiar that the Chairman of the Committee on the University 
"conversion" appointed by the  Goa PCC should want to "leak" to a newspaper the 
contents of the  yet-to-be-submitted  "Report" .... on the eve of the debate. 
Can not blame him, though: this is the monsoon season and everything is 
leaking. Draft rules being framed for the Government are also leaking in Panaji 
....and there is nothing official about it! ;-)

We have the Independence Eve Dance, New Year's Eve Dance and Debate Eve 
"Leaks". Like the Lays advertisement with Saif Ali Khan, Hum kya karen "Control 
hi nahin hota!" ;-)

I only posted on the net what is available in print ...in black and white and 
on the newspapers webpage. Its obvious intent is to balance Dr. Budkuley's 
articles in the same newspaper. Fair and square? Or should I accuse the GPCC 
panel [with the Moderator as one of its members] of plagiarising my earlier 
posting on the goanet???

The MC's job is up for grabs if there are any volunteers. I asked Pravin Sabnis 
and a few others. They declined. There is no money or prestige in that task. 
Just uncertainty. I have accepted the task only because I am assured that there 
is no politics involved. I have no problem on who MCs it ... one way or the 
other. It is the content of the debate that matters.I am expecting Dr. Joe 
D'Souza, Manoj Joshi, Soter D'Souza, Jason Fernandes, Pravin Sabnis and others 
to add their thought to the debate.

Are you going to be there? It would be a pleasure to meet you.

Mog asundi.


Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 13:00:31 +0530
From: "Dr. U. G. Barad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Questions to Prof. Kamat and Citizen's


This is in reply to Message No 12, Dated: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 from Miguel
Braganza on above topic.

Miguel, you being accepted as MC for the Open Academic Public Debate, to be
held tomorrow, on - SHOULD GOA VARSITY GO CENTRAL - after all your IF's &
BUT's, I think you should have refrained yourself in writing on this

Any way, Miguel let's see what public have to say on this issue on 30th till 
than refrain yourself from writing anything on this issue. 

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

      From Chandigarh to Chennai - find friends all over India. Go to 

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