--- On Fri, 8/1/08, Francis Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If I might remind you once more (ad nauseam) of the concluding lines of
> Milton's immortal "On His Blindness"?

For those wondering, it is "They also serve who only stand and wait." (Milton)

If anyone considers Rajan an armchair critic after all he has done, I have two 
responses: 1. live in ignorance, the pain is not as great as living in reality, 
2. we need a hundred more Rajans.

If houses of prostitution were set up all over Goa and prostitutes brought in 
from other states, Goans would be up in arms. Now, we have illegal activity on 
a far greater scale with EVERY MEGA project illegally constructed. All 
activities related to these illegal activities are correspondingly illegal, 
including the influx of wealthy and poor labour. If under a Regional Plan, 
construction is done then one could not have qualms about the delhiwalls and 
their servants (Goan politicians) destroying Goa. But as we know, NOT ONE 
single MEGA project is legal (to anyone who can demonstrate to me otherwise 
including NO bribe involved in the project, a lakh of rupees to their favorite 
Goan charity).  
Rajan, soldier on and easy on the colorful language. There is too much at stake.


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