Hi all,

I am writing this mail to share the sadness in my heart.Please do not tear it apart ,sentence by sentence ,word by word --"Goanet style"

I am really distressed to read so much of naming ,blaming,and shaming different groups /individuals that are working for the good of Goa.Agreed that each group has its own ideals,aims and objectives ---but at present the underlying objective --to use the cliched phrase is to "Save Goa".From whom and For whom ?It looks like we have to save Goa from Goans who pull each other down.

I know how busy individuals are taking time off from hectic work schedules and giving of their time and resources to help in many ,many ways.There are committed individuals who are genuinely working tirelessely to make Goa a better place.There are many low profile individuals ,who in their respective villages are working to create awareness of social issues among the villagers and who are working for the collective good of Goa.

The scathing criticism that comes through on Goanet -acts as such a dampener.-why do we have to be petty about things ?Let each one contribute what they can.Whether it is Goa Suraj party ,or "Goan Solidarity for Change' or GOACAN or Goa Sudharop or the different NGO"s or individuals , how does it matter?.Whether it is individuals or lone crusaders --let us look beyond externals and look at commitment and passion and zeal to correct wrong doings and evils that are plaguing Goa.Lets focus on what we can do for Goa , individually and collectively.

Similarly I notice on this forum ,snide remarks to Goans who have migrated .Isnt it great that these NRI goans still care about Goa ?Why should we cast doubts on their integrity as people?I know many who have genuine concern and love for Goa.

People must be careful of whatever callous remarks they fire off in cyber space.It hurts feelings and sentiments.There are many who are working for the cause of Goans without a hidden agenda.There are many unselfish individuals who giving of their precious time,energy and talents for the betterment of Goa.


I am copying my letter to the Editor -- Herald ,which was published a few months ago
Dear editor,

The need of the hour is for all the NGO's of Goa to unite. The need of the
hour is to put aside ego,pride and self.
Goans have woken up from their slumber and villagers are protesting about
mining, mega projects etc.New NGO"s are forming ,people are filled with zeal
and passion and they genuinely want to do something for goans and
Goa.However, we have the enemy watching ,waiting , silent ,ready to strike-- ready to divide and rule.Let us not be fooled by these masterminds.Let us
not lull oursleves into a false sense of security.

Goans must be alert and they must be armed and prepared to  battle with
these forces of evil.Each NGO genuinely has its own agenda, each ngo is
definitely working for the good of the people -- but we must unite..In
solidariity,in unity,in combined forces only can goan NGO's be powerful.Can
you imagine the combined forces of all our NGO's? Goan ground will shatter
and shake.Democracy will triumph and truly we will be forced to have  a
Government of the people, by the people and for the people.May God give
people discernment and wisdom to make choices which will affect the future
of Goa.

Melinda Coutinho Powell,


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