
August 4, 2008

The Director General of Police,
Police Headquarters,


Attached herewith is the abstract of the 'home page' of the web-blog www.goamurdermystery.com detailing the profile of the murder victim (late) Dominic Savio Coutinho of Borkoifond, Canacona - South Goa, as well as the circumstances leading to his murder on 21 July, 2008 or thereabout, which details are self explanatory.

The 'Citizens'[Of Goa] Initiative' is very much concerned and perturbed with the way the investigations into this vicious murder case have been conducted by the crime branch of Goa Police, giving us no other alternative but to believe that the police department is clearly seen to be sheltering the murderers of Dominic Savio Coutinho, whoever they are, since even the preliminary investigations, we are given to understand, have not been conducted and the crucial evidence from the scene of the murder has been deliberately allowed to be destroyed by not cordoning off the scene of the murder as is required under crime investigative procedures.

Since no F.I.R. has yet been filed, credence to our belief that the police is sheltering the culprit/s in this murder case is increasing each passing day.

The 'Citizens' [Of Goa] Initiative' believes in the capabilities of the Goa Police to detect crimes and apprehend the culprits and therefore it is our presumption that the non-action of the Goa Police in this crucial murder case is on go-slow mode, perhaps due to intense political pressure.

Having said that, the 'Citizens' [Of Goa] Initiative' prevails on the hierarchy of the Goa Police to accord the seriousness that this murder case deserves complete thorough and fool-proof investigations to bring to book the culprit/s as soon as possible, preferably within a week's time.

Having said that, and having reposed full faith in the capability of Goa Police to detect and solve difficult crimes, the 'Citizens' [Of Goa] Initiative' must not be disappointed.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
for Citizens' [Of Goa] Initiative for Justice

(Floriano C. Lobo)

383 A, Pirazona - Moira Bardez Goa - 403 507.
Tel: Res: (0832) 2470223  (m): 9890470896

Copy to: D.I.G. , Police Headquarters, Panjim-Goa.
Copy to: Minister of Home Affairs, Government of Goa, Secretariat, Porvorim-Goa.
Copy to: His Excellency the Governor of Goa, Raj Bhavan, Dona Paula, Goa.
Copy to: The Chief Minister of Goa, Secretariat, Porvorim-Goa.

Endorsed by:

The immediate family members and/or friends of (late) Dominic Savio Coutinho.

Name. Address/Contact Number/s: Signature:

Mrs. Flory Coutinho - 241/A-4 , Mapusa -Bardez (mother) Sd/-
Ms Janet Coutinho - do- (sister) Sd/-

Judas S. Barreto Cruz -H.No. 1363/1, Canacona, Goa (Relation) Sd/-

Ms. Rochelle Solomon , 149D, Gina, Maina Curtorim, Salcette, Goa, Sd/-

Adv. Sunita Savant Dessai, Cuncolim, Salcette, Goa. Sd/-

Edwin Coutinho, Chaudi, Canacona (Brother) Sd/-

A Brief Report:

Appointment was taken by yours truly yesterday with the DIG himself for a meeting by the above signed family members and friends of the deceased for 12.00 p.m. today, 4, Aug., 2008. At the meeting the following police officials and others were present besides the above except for Adv. Sunita S. Dessai.:

Shri. Kishan Kumar (IGP) officiating.
Shri. Mangaldas Dessai ( SP Crime)
Shri. Prabudessai (SP South)
Shri. Bosco George (SP North)
Shri. Sanjay Bandekar (Ex-MLA Canacona)
Shri. Abel Barreto Cruz - Friend
And of course yours truly.

A brief report.

Mr. Judas Barreto was very vocal at the meeting and has asked many relevant questions regarding the proficiency of the investigating officer, PI Suraj Halankar of Canacona PS. Mr. Judas has detailed the flaws in the almost non existent investigation. Shri. Prabudessai was put in the dock for the below standard investigation. The IGP has assured a parallel Crime Branch investigation with the normal police investigation of which the final authority will be the South SDM. (Sub-Divisional Magistrate). The crime branch investigation will be headed by Shri. Mangaldas Dessai.

Yours truly has insisted that a thorough and qualitative and result oriented investigation must be carried out immediately , and that the responsibility for the slackness of the investigation must be pinned on the incompetent authority.

The above petition has been inwarded to all as indicated. The attempts to meet with the Governor were frustrated since the protocol does not allow meetings with the Governor without prior appointments. However, the petition has been inwarded and appointment asked for in this for this delegation to meet with him.

All copies of the petition have been inwarded as indicated.

PS. The delegation along with Shri. Sanjay Bandekar has met with the Home Minister, Shri. Ravi Naik earlier in the day.

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