
From: Averthan D'Souza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2008 12:02 PM
Subject: Distressing developments in GBA


Dear Editor,

            It is truly distressing and unfortunate for Goa that the
personal ambitions and uninformed dogmatism of some individuals has led to
the present dissension within the Goa Bachao Abhiyan, and the resignation of
its Convenor Dr. Oscar Rebello.   This bodes ill for the future of Goa,
which was beginning to assert the right of the common citizen to be
consulted by the Government before any major project was approved.  The
spirit of the GBA was consistent with the requirements of the 73rd. and
74th. amendments to the Constitution of India.   The GBA was unique in
consolidating the common aspirations of the people in respect of the
utilization of the State's physical, economic and social resources.   Not
withstanding the opposition of some individuals to the GBA being a part of
the Chief Minister's Task Force for preparing the process for the Regional
Plan for Goa 2021,  it was a great advantage that the GBA was represented in
the Task Force.   The GBA should have taken advantage of this opportunity to
influence the thinking of the Task Force.   With the resignation of Dr.
Oscar Rebello and his two substitutes on the Task Force, the GBA has lost
this opportunity.

            On the one hand, we have been demanding the right to be
consulted in the planning process; but on the other hand, the egoistic
attitude of a few individuals has discredited the GBA both in the eyes of
the Government as well as in the eyes of the common citizens.   They will
have to bear a heavy burden of responsibility for their selfishness and
short-sightedness.  Dr. Oscar Rebello is quite right that the GBA should
offer clear and indisputable alternatives to the Government in the thinking
of the Task Force.  If individuals cannot provide such alternatives (in
writing), they should at least refrain from dragging the GBA into a state of
incoherence.   For all his limitations, Dr. Oscar Rebello represented the
wider consensus of the citizens.  By the vicious attacks against him on the
internet (as reported in the Press) and by making his position as Convenor
uncomfortable, these individuals have compromised the future of Goa.  To
state publicly that individuals come and go, but that the GBA should carry
on, is both crass and  intolerable.   People who make such statements reveal
the dark side of their twisted personalities.   Dr. Oscar Rebello has quite
obviously been made a scapegoat by these selfish elements.  His departure
will be a great loss to the movement.  The real issue before us is not the
personal contribution of Dr. Rebello, but the devious and insidious
manipulations by a few individuals who think that they can do better.   

            It is truly a very regrettable development in the 'people's
movement' of Goa.


Yours truly,

Averthanus L. D'Souza,

D-13, La Marvel Colony,

Dona Paula, Goa 403 004.

Tel: 2453628.  

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