When the tough gets going one needs to be tough, Rebello should not have quit 
but put on the fight if he is on the right track and for the development of 
Goenkars ,and this goes out to every Goenkar today , no matter what disaster 
you face in life , be strong and god fearing , after all the lord has said "Be 
Still And Strong for I am God"> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 01:07:43 +0530> From: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: 
[Goanet-News] Save Goa crusader Oscar quits GBA (Gomantak Times)> > * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *> > 2008 Toronto International Goan Convention> 
Theme: Goan Identity And Networking Today.> 
http://2008goanconvention.com/index.php> > Mario Miranda Festival, July 24-26, 
2008 Old GMC Building> 
http://lists.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet-goanet.org/2008-July/077732.html> > * 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > Save Goa crusader Oscar quits GBA> 
> By A Staff Reporter> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > PANJIM: Disparate forces with the 
Goa Bachao Abhiyan (GBA)> have finally forced the resignation of its convenor 
Oscar> Rebello.> > Two other prominent members of the GBA, Ritu Prasad and> 
Patricia Pinto, who represented Rebello in the Task Force to> prepare the draft 
Regional Plan 2021, have also decided to> stay away from the panel henceforth.> 
> "I can understand people from outside the GBA criticizing> me," said a 
frustrated Rebello, "but when your own people> start labelling you a sell-out, 
it is better to resign."> > The resignation is a fallout over differences over 
the draft> Regional Plan with some groups arguing that the GBA should> pull out 
from the Task Force.> > Trouble in the GBA came to the fore a few months ago 
when> Rebello was on a foreign trip and co-convenor Sabina Martins> was coerced 
into signing a letter stating that the GBA> rejects the "methodology adopted" 
by the Task Force to> formulate a Regional Plan.> > The letter was leaked to 
the Press. Thereafter, a vicious> campaign was launched on the Internet to 
discredit Rebello.> > "I think the GBA has lost faith in me and I should 
resign,"> Rebello said.> > Part of the problem lies with the variety of 
interests in the> GBA with each group pursuing individual agendas and> 
forgetting the larger picture, sources said.> > One group wanted the ban on 
casinos to be included in the> regional plan, another wanted the entire process 
to be> restarted because it believed all the data provided by the> government 
was manipulated.> > Yet another wanted the spirit of the 73rd and 74th 
amendment> to be included in the plan.> > Another demand was that members of 
the Task Force should not> sign the document until the Town and Country Plannin 
gAct is> rescinded ... the list is endless.> > "How long are we going to wait 
for the government to change> the laws?" asked Dr Rebello. "If people want to 
change> government policy, then they should get elected to do it, not> through 
the back door."> > Added to his was the complication caused by the rising 
demand> by gram sabhas across the state for a blanket ban on mega> projects, 
sources said.> > "When I suggested that we take a stand on mega projects, it> 
was rejected," said Dr Rebello.> > Explaining the other issues, he said, the 
Regional Plan is> being held back only because of the 73rd and 74th amendment.> 
There is no precedent in the rest of India, as far as> provisions pertaining to 
planning.> > "We asked the core committee to produce a document on this> issue 
so that we could take it to the Task Force, nobody> responded," Dr Rebello 
said.> > "So on the one hand, you have GBA members insisting that the> spirit 
of these two amendments be included, on the other you> have a situation where 
no one is willing to say how this can> be accomplished."> > The problem faced 
by those who represented the GBA on the> Task Force -- Rebello, Ritu Prasad and 
Patricia Pinto -- was> that the disparate forces wanted them to behave as 
messengers> between the GBA and the Task Force instead of active> participant.> 
> "Everything has changed so much, that I can no longer> articulate the 
concerns of the GBA," lamented Rebello. The> doctor took exception to the 
vicious campaign launched> against him by Internet-savvy members of the GBA. 
"They have> tried to destroy my credibility," he said.> > --------------> 
Patricia, Ritu resign from Task Force too> > When contacted, Patricia said they 
had resigned from the Task> Force, but would continue to be the GBA members.> > 
"We (myself and Ritu Prasad) have not resigned from the GBA.> We were helping 
Dr Oscar on the Task Force and were> authorised to attend the Task Force 
meetings since Dr Oscar> was often pre-occupied with his profession."> > She 
said that one of the reasons for them to quit the Task> Force was that the GBA 
had not yet arrived at a consensus to> put the process of the 73rd and 74th 
amendments forward at> the Task Force.> > "We did not attend the Task Force 
meeting held on Friday> because the views we were trying to put forward were 
not> acceptable to the GBA. We can't contribute, as there was no> direction to 
move forward. The GBA was not agreeing to it."> > The GBA has to arrive to a 
consensus, Patricia said, adding> that the GBA would meet at the Caritas Hall, 
St Inez, Panjim> at 4 pm today, August 2, where Ritu Prasad is likely to make> 
a presentation on Section 16 and 16A of the TCP Act.> > The resignation of the 
top three members means the GBA will> have to appoint a new set of leaders to 
represent it on the> Task Force.> > ENDS> 
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