Hi Marshall,

Notwithstanding Miguel's long answer to your question and winding
explanation of the whole subject, a short and correct answer would be
that it is a hangover from the days of Portuguese governance.

In those days, professionals had their professions prepended to their
names.  Valmiki or Paulo Colaco-Dias who knew those days well could
confirm and perhaps explain the rationale. Some other European nations
do likewise.

When in Holland and Switzerland, I saw plaques outside medical
doctor's offices saying
"Mr ..... Bachelor of Medical Arts.

In the USA lawyers are referred to as "Edward Jones Esq.". In the UK
the 'Esq' is appending to squires and gentlemen. In India, some people
still mail letters as Marshall Mendonca Esq. - from the days during
British rule when every gentleman was politely addressed as esquire
and every man was deemed a gentleman.

Oh for the days when civility was the norm. Letters in Portuguese in
Goa were addressed as Exmo. Sr. This form of address is still used in
the Portuguese speaking world.

See this little jewel I came across:


Exmo Sr Roland Francis :-)
+1 (416) 453.3371

> I have been observing one pecularity particular to goans i.e. appending their 
> professions before their names eg. Advocate..., Engineer ..., Architect.... 
> Besides of course the sundry doctors whether of medicine or philosophy or 
> plain honorary. No where in the rest of India is there such a standard 
> practice except for doctors which is understandable. Can someone throw light 
> about this practice? Is it a way to display class or superiority?Generally 
> those who cannot command respect demand respect by displaying their 
> qualifications in matters not connected with their subject.
> Regards,
> Marshall

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

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