Santosh Helekar wrote:
1:  I have always believed that a sound critique based
on facts is essential to any form of honest discourse.
2:  Gilbert fails to recognize what is based on
gossip, hearsay and personal opinion, and what is
based on fact.
3:  He also seems not to recognize the principle of
not divulging private information about others in a
public forum.
Earlier: Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
4: I did not attend the meeting.
5: I thought Eugene's write up was factual without
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 08:17:40 -0400
From: "J. Colaco < jc>" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and How does he know that the information revealed by
Eugene was 'factual'.?
Did he do due diligence.
Just for the record, I spoke for a total of 3 hours
and 37 minutes to different individuals in Toronto,
asking ALL kinds of questions and counter questions, 
before I put my post in the form of 12 questions.
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 09:24:50 +0530
From: "floriano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I would like to venture into summing up this litany of
yours vis a vis Eugene Correia and the Toronto
Convention in just one flat sentence:
Gabe Menezes gabe.menezes at
Sun Aug 3 07:41:56 PDT 2008
....perhaps what Eugene writes is true or perhaps no
one wants to dignify Eugene's posts on the subject
matter. I have met all the players mentioned and have
nothing but respect for their undertakings.
One of the persons elected, to the next Convention,
was a defaulter of the Goan Association U.K. and
really should have been an ex member. 
Mario asks:
Am I missing something, or aren't the people best
qualified to engage in discussing the denouement of
the recently concluded Goan Convention those who
actually attended the conference and those who
organized such a complex international event?
And shouldn't those who should listen most carefully
to everything being said are those who have stuck
their necks out to organize the next one?  Your turn
in the hotseat will not be long in coming:-))
If anyone lost their own money in this endeavor
because others failed to do their fair share, or pay
their dues as agreed, etc. shame on them.
No sooner had the convention ended that I noticed the
long knives being drawn to continue old battles and
other personality conflicts that may have nothing to
do with this conference or the next one, where if some
of the participants involving themselves in this
surprisingly contentious discussion are true to form,
all this will be repeated once again, next year.
They don't refer to it as the Goan crab mentality for
nothing.  We see it on display on Goanet on a daily
basis, so why would it suddenly disappear after such a
monumental undertaking as the Toronto Convention?
Regardless of what happened or did not happen in
Toronto, I would like to commend all those who must
have spent endless personal time at the expense of
their normal business and work schedules and families
in order to pull of such a complex international
convention.  Even if there were shortcomings and
mis-steps, I'm sure most of them did their best - why
would they not after sticking their heads out - but
you always see the odd resume padder, or the odd
malcontent and piker who does not pay their dues,
intentionally or unintentionally.  The resume padder
should be sidelined and the piker should not be
registered at the next convention unless they pay
their arrears in full.
If you as an attendee had a very personal and unique
problem or inconvenience, get over it.  These events
are for the benefit of most of the attendees and the
people who tend to have a tolerant and positive
outlook on life also tend to enjoy such events the
most.  You will rarely hear from the 99% who had a
great time.
My view of such events is that they are great for
meeting people and networking, sharing in the pride in
ancestry, enjoying the food and fellowship and
renewing old ties, and telling tall tales about the
giant fishes that got away since last they met:-))
Meeting and greeting may lead to alliances that may be
able to address one or another issue back in the
Motherland, but if anyone thinks these conventions can
solve a single major problem in Goa, they need to calm
down and get right back down to earth:-))

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