From: "Santosh Helekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
As you can see, the procedure described below is clearly not a scientific procedure of any kind.
***After all kinds of tests and monitoring, after all research by physicians of different nations and faiths (or no-faith), after long follow-up, it is un-scientific to say that it is not scientific procedure.

A committee meeting chaired by a Bishop deciding by a 2/3 majority vote whether something is unexplained or inexplicable based on current knowledge, is possibly the farthest one can get from a scientific procedure.
***Dr.Santosh is again confusing the issues and not handling scientifically what has been presented to him by the Committee itself. The Bishop may or may not accept as a "miracle" what the majority of physicians, dealing with the case and consulted for the cases, deems to be medically not feasible. After a strict medical procedure, the case is defying medical science. An incurable case has been cured in that specific manner, as it is given by the criteria for miraculous cases. Out of 7,000 healings, only 68 are considered to be "miracles". To deny is as un-scientific as to call any case a miracle.

What's more, the fact that the committee members are presumed to be pious Christians, as stated below, with a strong ideological conflict of interest, and a vested desire to continue their hallowed traditions, makes this exercise not even a nominally objective one.
***By the fact of being Christians, they do not cease to be scientists. "Pious Christians" do not call any case a "miraculous cure", but discover that Science could not do what has happened in the present case. We Christians do accept miracles, worked out by the power of God, as signs of his love, precisely because our reason tells us. Science tells us that it is objectively so. It is a long process. If we had just to find out miracles, one could easily find. In spite of medical progress, we know how difficult it is to cure diseases. The Christian does not invent miracles, nor expect that every suffering will be healed by medicine or by miracle, but accepts also suffering, for s/he knows the redemptive value of suffering.

The deck is undoubtedly loaded and stacked in favor of affirming their preconceived beliefs.
***This is another un-scientific, gratuitous affirmation coming as it comes from a scientist. It is coming from his "preconceived belief" that there is no God, no miracles. It is his biased ideology...

The claim that this is a scientific procedure is therefore laughable by any standard.
***The conclusion is clear: One cannot deny miracles by laughing at a scientific procedure. The procedure itself leads us to accept that it is beyond the scientific realm, to faith in miracles. It is laughable to find such a statement among scientists.

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