I was taught that wisdom lies in not saying or making claims about what one 
does not know. For example, contrary to what the post quoted below says, 
physicists and cosmologists know that there indeed is chaos in the universe. 

But more importantly, modern science teaches us that it is foolish to draw 
premature conclusions from lack of knowledge about something at any given time. 
Science certainly does not think it is very wise to resort to supernatural or 
miraculous explanations for the natural universe. Instead, it demands that we 
continue our honest and dispassionate quest for natural explanations. 



--- On Sun, 8/10/08, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There is a saying :A wise man knows what he says, a fool
> says what he knows. We as medical doctors mostly say what we
> know from books, literature, journals, and broadcasted news.
> But do we know what we say? We say if you smoke, it causes
> cancer, but do we know why  Curchill, FidelCastro, and many
> others never got cancer? We say coconut oil is bad for the
> heart; did all from the Konkan and Malabar coast die of
> heart disease for all these centuries? Do scientists know
> why there is no Chaos in the movement of the Universe.? It
> is also said : A fool may easily find more faults than a
> wise man can easily mend.

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