It is heartening to see community initiatives being promoted by my
colleagues.  I'm sure there are others who work quietly in the

Joy de Souza is a colleague from Bombay Veterinary College, now a
veterinarian in Australia & married to fellow Saligaokar Louis.  She
has been very involved with community events and associations in
Australia for many years.

Joyce D'Souza Shamshudin is a veterinarian in Kenya who is involved
with the Goan Welfare Society in Kenya.  Her sister, June is also a
veterinarian, owning her own hospital in Barrie, ON.  June's daughter
attended the Design workshop by Wendell Rodricks at the 2008
International Goan Convention.

Sal Rocha, who attended the 2008 International Goan Convention is the
vice president of TEGSA (Toronto East-end Senior Goan Association).
He enjoyed Victor's writing workshop and hopes to pen (type?) his
spiritual memoirs shortly.

A few years ago, I started an online forum for Goan veterinarians
worldwide which has a membership of approximately 45 currently.  Of
those, about a dozen reside in and around the Toronto area.

Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, ON.

=======  following messages edited for brevity  ==========

Message: 8
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 22:14:33 +1000
From: "Joy de Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] WGD Celebrations in Brisbane, Australia

" Tumkaan sogleank Aamontron ditaun aamchea Bazaar Disaak yeopaak: "
(We invite you all to come for our Market Day. ) held on the fourth
Sunday Club day on 24 August 2008 to celebrate World Goa day and
Bazaar Dis held at Warrigal Road State School from 2pm to 5pm


The Club will provide tea and coffee.  Please bring a plate of
'afternoon tea' to share.

Joy de Souza


Message: 9
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 15:24:51 +0300
From: "Dr.Joyce D'Souza Shamshudin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Goaday - reminder

Dear Members and Friends,

The executive committee of the GWS will be celebrating  the World Goa
Day on Sunday 31st August 2008.
Venue : Goan Institute, Nairobi
Mass: 11.30 am followed by Lunch. at the GI
Charges Adult members- 500/- per person
               Adult Non- Members- 700/- per person
               Children under 12 - 300/- per child



Name                      Office                        Mobile

Joyce Shamshudin    4451295                   0733-616947

Sincerely, for

GWS Secretary



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