Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 08:03:53 +0400
From: "Arwin Mesquita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Can you put your ANTI-GOAN IDENTITY views in the Goa's
Media; lets see what Goans in Goa have to say about
Mario responds:
To begin with, I reject your premise, because the
simple fact is that there is no single Goan Identity. 
For example, my Goan identity is different from yours,
from Santosh's, from Jane's, from Vidhyadhar's, and
from Shakheel-bhai's who fixes my car when I am in
Goa, and on and on ad infinitum.
However, I think the evidence shows that you have an
anti-Indian identity, in addition to the now
well-known confusion between a private home, a state
like Goa within a democracy like India and a feudal
tribal federation like the UAE.
In response to your request, I will be glad to send
letters to the Editors of the publications you have
mentioned, and will post a copy on Goanet.
But, are the Goans in Goa who read those publications
any different from the Goans on Goanet, where my never
humble views are legendary?:-))
We have seen what Goans on Goanet have to say.  To
summarize, we have seen:
a) a few Goans who live in Goa who don't want their
fellow-Indians to migrate to Goa, even though Goans
have migrated all over the world for decades
b) a few Goans who do not live in Goa who don't want
their fellow-Indians to migrate to Goa, even though
they themselves live elsewhere and dream of returning
to Goa "someday", sadly, some in hardwood boxes
c) some bitter Goans who seem unable to tell the
difference between what the influx of movie stars
means for the preservation of old Portuguese-era homes
in their villages and for Goa's economy in general,
versus the defacing of the Goan countryside by venal
builders, some of who are Goans, some non-Goans, who
bribe corrupt officials in order to obtain permits and
licenses for grossly ugly developments incompatible
with their surroundings.
d) some observers who believe that, regardless of what
we may personally want, all Indians have a right to
live wherever they want, including in Goa, just as all
Goans have always had a right to live and work
anywhere in India
Chances are that the responses to any letter they
publish in a Goan newspaper will fall along the same

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