Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 16:12:51 +0530 (IST)
From: Miguel Braganza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dear Arwin,
Wake up and smell the coffee ...and get your head out
of the clouds!
Mario asks:
Miguel, since Arwin lives in the UAE, I think sand may
be more appropriate:-))
Miguel wrote:
Who among these Editors of the leading English
newspapers in Goa meets YOUR definition of a Goan?
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Derek Almeida [vice Sujay
Gupta now doing PR for Timblo family business]
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ashwin Tombat [vice Rajan
Narayan now editor of Goan Observer]
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Arun Sinha  [vice M.M.
Mudaliar/ Bikram Vora]
<[EMAIL PROTECTED] of > Rajib Borah [new Edition
in Goa]
Mario responds:
Oh, well.  If that's the case, I refuse to grace these
obvious Outsiders with my never humble wit and wisdom,
which will be reserved only for Goanet:-))
I wonder whether Sujay Gupta, Rajan Narayan, Ashwin
Tombat, Arun Sinha, M.M. Mudaliar, Bikram Vohra and
Rajib Vorah subscribe to the same Goan Identity as
Arwin does:-))
However, I think that their control of the Goan print
media speaks volumes for Goan tolerance:-))
Goan tolerance and hospitality.  Now, THAT'S one Goan
Identity worth preserving:-))

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