Minin de Bandar Tiatr and the controvertial song by the child Singer

Ref. his new tiatr 'AMCHO GHANV SAMBALLAT'

Not just the Director Minin De Bandar was summoned to the Police station but 
the child Actor/singer Baba Valbert Rodrigues (12) (see pic/video below) who 
sang the controversial song too was called at the Margao police station for 
interrogations, according to the news reports.
When asked  about the origin of the song/piece, the boy responded saying it 
come from his late grandmother who passed away about 45 days ago.

For the first time I know that the Directors are sometimes not aware of the 
songs or the song script  of the other actors sing in their Tiatr.  What about 
the ‘Esai’ or rehearsals?

Minin de Bandar says
'I didn’t get to know how the song ends, this being my new show I didn’t  get 
sufficient time to check the entire song’
‘ I have now told the boy not to sing the song again.  I too felt  bad when I 
was told about the scene..’

However, during the last few days, Minin de Bandar says in his Tiatr ad..

So what exactly was objectionable? 
According to CM Digu’s supporters, what they did not like was the garlanding of 
CM Picture at the end of the song.  They says it appears as if the person is 

What was the song all about?
It was all about inflation, rising cost of essential commodities in Goa., It 
seems the song also speak about the lesser economic troubles during BJP regime 
in the state.

Let’s see what others has to say about it:

Tiatr supporters
Say ‘sing your song’  According to the news item, a large number of tiatrists 
and tiatr lovers gathered at Gomant Vidya Niketan a day after Minin de Bandar 
was summoned at the police station.

BJP condemned the high handedness of  the Margao police in presurising the 
senior tiatrist to apologize for the song sung by the child singer.  
BJP also threatened to launch an agitation if any more such harrasement to the 
tiatrist continues. BJP Cultural cell Convenor -  Sindharnat Buyao.

Agnelo de Borim ( a young tiatrist and MC)
I cannot really say how far this thiatr has gone,
But tiatrists should be aware of their responsibilities and not cross the 

Com. Ambe (Tiatr Comedian)
Tiatr is the only platform to bring all the rot that goes on in politics to the 

Film Maker, Rajendra Tilak
Drama should be used as a medium to educate the masses and not for personal 

Tomazinho Cardozo (also a tiatrist/playwright)
Everybody has the freedom of expression as guaranted by the constitution.
But we should not exceed our limits.

Milagres De Chandor (Another Artist/playwright)
If garlanding was the measure of affront, then why doesn’t the police take  
note of the other common forms of protest like burning of effigies, morphed 
caricatures of political leaders as published in a local weekly.
(JoeGoaUk Says: He's got a point here, Goan Observer brings out the true faces 
of top politicin on to its front page. Yet the editor is provided with 'X' 
catagory security by the state which is about Rs.13,000)

Sidhanath Buyao
Tiatr is an expression of feelings of the common man through art whaich was 
age-old  tradition and a part of Goan Culture. He said Margao Police was being 
used as a ‘tool’ by the Chief Minister to stifle the voice of the people. 

Now, what you say?

Ok, check this out: Pic and Video

Valbert Rodrigues (11) pics

A 1minute Video.

Note: JoeGoaUk has not seen the tiatr or the controversial song.
Most of the above taken form the GT dtd  5th & 7th Aug.

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