*TBA condemns sabotage of Gram Sabha of Taleigao Village*

The Taleigao Bachao Abhiyan on behalf of the citizens of Taleigao expresses
its shock and moral outrage at the manner in which the Sarpanch of the
Village Panchayat of Taleigao made a mockery of the Gram Sabha of Taleigao
and did not allow genuine concerns of the villagers to be raised.

The TBA points out that the gram sabha held on the 17th of August was in
fact required by law to be conducted in the month of July. The TBA brought
this lapse to the attention of the BDO, subsequent to which the Panchayat
was directed to comply with the law by the BDO. This conforms to a pattern
where for at least the past three trimesters the gram sabha has not been
held as per schedule, but only after the direction by the BDO.

In light of experiences of citizens at the earlier Gram Sabha, that was
marked by verbal assault and intimidation, the TBA requested that the
Panchayat make provisions for police presence to enable peaceful conduct of
the Gram Sabha.  However, the Sarpanch, indicated in his opening remarks at
the Gram Sabha, that he did not feel the need for the same. He was almost
immediately proved wrong, by the presence of the same group of unruly
elements that have continuously heckled and disrupted the proceedings in
earlier Gram Sabhas. Owing to the absence of police, the Sarpanch was unable
to control these elements and used these disruptions as an excuse to
dissolve the meeting.

The TBA also points out that items submitted for discussion at the gram
sabha four working days prior to the same in conformity with the rules of
the Goa Panchayat Raj Act were not specifically included in the agenda for
the meeting as required by law. Instead, they were raised as per the
arbitrary discretion of the Sarpanch. The items submitted included the
discussion on action taken on the Gram Sabha's resolution to denotify the IT
Park, issues regarding the ODP, formation of ward committees in the village
as per directives from the Directorate of Panchayats, information regarding
road projects to be undertaken by the Panchayat.  The Sarpanch's
discretionary conduct ensured that he did not allow valid points to be
raised and dismissed these without hearing. Discussion, for instance, on
action taken regarding the Gram Sabha's demand for denotification on the IT
Park was summarily dismissed by him stating without substantiation that the
issue was sub-judice.

The Gram Sabha was eventually disrupted when a resolution seeking the repeal
of the amendments Section 16 and 16 A to the TCP Act were sought to be
passed. Given that there was no unanimity on the issue, it was demanded that
it be put to vote. At this point, the Sarpanch began what can only be
described as a complete mockery of regular voting procedures. Engaging in a
partisan counting exercise, the Sarpanch counted only those in favour of the
resolution opposing the amendments. Their numbers were also misrepresented.
He then proceeded to indicate that all those within the hall who had not
voted for, and those outside of the hall, were 'logically' against the
resolution. When points of order were sought to be raised, the unruly
elements stepped up their commotion, giving opportunity to the Sarpanch to
dissolve the meeting. Rather than reconvene the meeting subsequent to
calming down the situation with police assistance, as should have been done,
the Sarpanch remained adamant about dissolving the meeting. He, along with
the rest of the Panchas, left the premises after locking up the Panchayat
office within ten minutes of this occurrence. This left members of the Gram
Sabha in a vulnerable position where their lives and property were
threatened by the same unruly elements. In face of all the evidence, the TBA
asserts that this action of the Sarpanch and the unruly elements were part
of a pre-meditated strategy to sabotage the Gram Sabha and suppress the
genuine concerns regarding developments in the village. This suppression of
genuine concerns, the TBA points out, will only leave scope for vested
interests to hold the interests of the people of Taleigao to ransom.

The TBA condemns these pre-meditated attempts by the Panchayat to sabotage
the democratic processes of the Gram Sabha. It calls upon the Director of
Panchayats and the Government to take note of this murder of the democratic
process and initiate appropriate action forthwith.


    Jason Keith
Shanti Almeida
(Convenor and Spokesperson)


*Contact:          *Jason K. Fernandes +919764324074,

                       Shanti Almeida        +91-832-2453317

Read my thoughts at www.dervishnotes.blogspot.com

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