Hello Albert,

I have been following this debate for a long time, what you said is 100% right, there are people who preach. In todays date to repair an old house is really hard, you just try to even repair the roof, firstly you cannot find people, if you find the people the cash is the problem.

We in goa are now getting use to staying in small rooms, where each one has his own privacy, those days are gone where you had one radio and the whole house had to listen to the same, today, every one wants his own space. The families in Goa are too shrinking, its no more 5 kids house it come down to 1 or 2 max 3.

Maintaining these houses can take dig a big hole in your pockets, and then in todays world, kids want to seperate and have their own.

The best prices in todays times is offered by non-catholics, I think if they dont sell it at the right price then its stupidity.

there was another post saying that one should wait for the property to rise, but that person did not say how long, let me tell you that property prices have never come down, if you have sold something today for 80 lacs, then after 5 years the same place will be sold for 100 lac any way. My advice to all is that if you think the price is right for you go ahead and sell, because the cash to in hand means that you can buy something else, day by day the power of buy with a rupee is decreasing.

Its time we live peacefully and not bother if our neighbour is catholic or not as long as he is living peacefully in his house. Catholic and non catholic have lived in harmony for over hundred years in goa, why are we today pointing fingers at them, was the state of goa, not hindu, before the portuguese came, and was there no mogul raj on it, my request to all goans is just dont try to dig graves, as there are many skeletons there, which will only escalate things.


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