I notice the debates regarding the Toronto Convention taking a strange twist.

The GNAT President himself, Francis Rodrigues, continues to post his
haikus/grooks but is totally silent regarding the Convention in
contrast to all the publicity he used to do earlier. Whereas all the
other organisers have had their say, and continue debating the issue,
why is one of the main organisers silent? Why are George and Filomena
and Jose getting so agitated when the President himself doesn't seem
to be bothered?

Agreed Eugene's posts were in bad taste, but seriously that is
expected of Eugene. Rather than attack the style and details it would
be good to take some of the valid criticisms in his post and disregard
the rest. Similarly with Roland's posts.

Victor has written a very valid review and critique - and in a very
tasteful way. Why aren't the issues he has raised being addressed in a
rational way rather than with an emotional defense?

I think it was best summed up by Eddie DeSa in a reply to someone who
was trying to stop crticism on another forum...
"... - why set arbitrary bounds on the expression of opinions? Now
that the Toronto Convention has generated wider interest on
culture/identity, I suggest we launch a wider, open-ended
post-Convention follow-up debate - reviewing past contributions and
illuminating the subject further. There need not be a consensus but so
We should all be the richer and wiser by learning from each other.
Don't you think..."




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