August 22, 2008

Shri. S.S. Sidhu,
Governor of Goa,
Raj Bhavan,
Dona Paula - Goa.

Via Fax-2453510 & 2451271(confirmed receipt)

Your Excellency,

Subject:  'Open Letter'    Re:   Insensitive and Arrogant  Raj Bhavan staff.

It is with sadness in my heart that I am writing  to your Excellency,  so
that you may take note of how things stand as far as the behaviour of the
staff employed at the esteemed Raj Bhavan is concerned. I am specifically
naming two officers of your staff, namely Shri. Nikhil Kumar, Secretary, and
Major Manish, the' Aide de Camp' [ADC]

I shall want to take you back to the day of your recent oath- taking
ceremony  as the Governor of Goa.  It was my privilege to have attended this
function as the special invitee of the Raj Bhavan along with other
distinguished dignitaries. I must draw your kind attention to the oral
request I made of you  when I shook your hand and welcomed you to Goa,
which exchange  I shall want to quote and unquote,  so that you may

Welcome to Goa, your Excellency.  I am the General Secretary of a small
political Party. And I must warn you that Goa looks very beautiful from the
outside, especially during the monsoons. But the fact is that  Goa is very
filthy/dirty from the inside. We need your Excellency's  help to clean it

Coming back to the topic of this communication, it is in connection with the
very clean-up operations that I had talked to your Excellency as above,
that on 4th August, 2008, I visited the esteemed Raj Bhavan along with  five
members of the family including the mother, brother and sister of  Shri.
Dominic Savio Coutinho, who died recently under tragic and mysterious
circumstances at his residence in Canacona, South Goa, allegedly murdered.
The family members were in Panjim to meet with the IGP, Shri. Kishan Kumar
at the Police Headquarters, the meeting having been arranged by me,  to find
out as to why the F.I.R. was not being filed, in spite of the  tell tale
evidence being available that Shri. Dominic Savio could have been murdered
due to  rivalry/dispute  regarding property matters.  Under the aegis of
CITIZEN' [OF GOA] INITIATIVE, and as the  Convenor of this Initiative,  I
had made a letter-representation to the IGP,  marking copies thereof to
various other officials including your Excellency, requesting  speedy
initiation of serious investigations into the mysterious death of this young
lad  through the Crime Branch before vital evidence was lost,  apprehending
possible heavy POLITICAL PRESSURE.

It was in order to hand-over (or rather to in-ward) the said copy  of the
letter-representation   that I had gone to the esteemed Raj Bhavan along
with the family members of the deceased Dominic Savio Coutinho in the hope
that they could, if possible, get to see you.

The Secretary, Raj Bhavan, Shri. Nikhil Kumar  explained the impossibility
of such a meeting at short notice without  prior appointment and suggested
we approach the ADC to fix one for later. The ADC in turn got himself
familiarized with the situation at hand  and promised to get back to me with
the appointment date as soon as possible, after making sure that the copy of
the letter-representation to  your Excellency was registered in the inward

Since the family members of the deceased were calling me on every day basis
to enquire if the appointment was procured, I was in constant telephonic
touch with the Raj Bhavan, only to be told that Your Excellency was not
available, was in Delhi, one thing or the other, with a promise to get back
to me  if  I would  I leave my contact number. etc, of which I was beginning
to get tired knowing fully well that these were the usual delay tactics.

On 19th. August, 2008, I telephoned the Raj Bhavan several times  and sought
to speak with the  ADC. I was told on numerous occasions to call again and
again citing reasons that the ADC was busy.  Tired of getting lame excuses,
I asked to speak to Shri. Nikhil Kumar, the Secretary, since I had known him
when he was previously holding the charge as the Collector, North. To my
astonishment, Shri. Nikhil Kumar  spoke to me arrogantly when I explained to
him the day's events and how my efforts to obtain an appointment with Your
Excellency, the Governor of Goa were mishandled. I must say that there

ensued a heated argument ending in my telling the Secretary that he should
allow me to talk to your Excellency, direct.

My next call to  the  ADC [Major Manish]  was received with more arrogance
to the extent that  Major Manish chose to remind me that I was talking to an
army man.

A rather excellent atmosphere has been vitiated for nothing at all to the
extent that I am beginning  to think if it is worth-while having  a  'God
Almighty' Governor as the head of the State at all,  in a purely democratic
system of governance like ours, and, if the Governor's staff is allowed to
act high and mighty towards an ordinary citizen  who is beset  with
difficulties. And I am sure that your Excellency will agree to disagree with
me on this point.

As the General Secretary of a registered political party,  I  would request
your Excellency to bring your staff down from the high and mighty horse for
once and see that they  are adequately apprised in the manner of dealing
with ordinary tax-paying citizens of Goa.

Your Excellency, there are certain precedents having been set in Goa  during
the long erstwhile Portuguese military dictatorship rule,  and I would like
to apprise you of just two  to reflect  on   the humane side of the
governance that is sought by Goans vis a vis the Goan psyche.

Precedent No. 1:

In a private meeting with the Governor  (Commandant)  Fernando de
Quintanilha da Mendonca Dias, Advocate (late)  Antonio Bruto da Costa, a
Goan, was slapped in the face by the Governor. Military commandant or not,
Adv. Bruto da Costa is believed to have returned the gesture with blows
which sent the Governor to the floor. The best part is, no case was made
against Adv. Bruto Da Costa.

Precedent No. 2:
A Goan gets by-passed in a government  job selection routine. Believing that
he was terribly wronged, putting it down to 'favoritism', he writes a simple
'open' post-card about the wrong-doing , addressing it to none other than
'Antonio de Oliveira  Salazar' in Portugal, and promptly forgetting about it
after the heat of the moment.  Come three months later, the Governor of Goa
was ordered to institute an inquiry which ultimately landed the job to the
victim. Glad to say that the person is still living to give this testimony.

Having said so, it is my fervent  request  to your Excellency  to kindly
make time  to meet  with the family of the deceased Shri. Dominic Savio
Coutinho at your earliest so that they

may catch-up with the confidence that they are losing fast,  in Goa's
Justice System, and,  especially the Police,  knowing that they have placed
their trust in your hands as the Head of the State, which unfortunately,
your staff tend to wrongly believe as a position of  'God Almighty' here on
earth and on Goan soil. They need to be reminded that   their job is  not
only to keep themselves busy with the itineraries of  making arrangements
for the site-seeing  trips and/or  intense entertainment and entertaining
activities of the Governor of Goa  but also to give ear to  the grievances
of the people of Goa and put their sensitive requests in front of the
Governor to be decide upon. It is one thing to have our elected
representatives behaving like Gods Almighty, already, once elected. But we
need the Governor, who is the head of them all, to at least  be seen  to be
sympathetic towards the common people with serious problems. I shall not be
wrong in suggesting  the holding of 'Governor's Open Courts' where common
people could put forward their grievances to the Governor collectively if it
is too much for the Governor to see/meet them individually.  Otherwise there
is no meaning in this rank throwing 'Tamasha'  all at the cost of the
tax-payer which is going around in the name of 'Democratic Governance'
where the aam aadmi loses on all counts.



(Floriano C. Lobo)
General Secretary,
Goa Su-Raj Party

Tel: (Res)  2470223
Mobile: 9890470896

PS:  This Open Letter is sent  to all  Goan as well as National newspapers
including the Internet distribution lists , to the President of India, PMO,
Governor of Punjab and all other relevant institutions and associations for
kind information only.

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