By Valmiki Faleiro

The Portuguese killed ‘vovios’ (ancient Goan folk songs.) Post-1510 hymns now 
in archives. But, the world of mandos, dulpods and deknis – ah! – mercifully 

That unique dance-song, which pinnacled in the second half of the 19th century, 
be the first in Asia where the twain met … India’s versatile musical traditions 
music of the West. Aptly symbolized by two instruments that accompany its 
the ‘ghumot’ and violin. The first, a percussion pot of clay that sounds best 
covered with the hide of a monitor lizard, the other a stringed Western import.

The West inspired the structure of the mando, but its lyrics were in the local 
Which suited politically sensitive Goans fine: every time they had to vent 
their anger
at the misdoings of the Portuguese, they composed a mando. Which the colonial
masters did not understand. Let’s dwell on this interesting aspect.

At the western end of the road by which I was born and now live, the erstwhile 
de Norte, was the taluka’s municipality, ‘Camara Municipal de Salcete.’ The 
building, constructed in 1770, still stands albeit in a rundown state, in 
Margao’s Old
Market area. A law promulgated on January 15, 1774 created the first “Senado”
(municipal senate). Made of 70 members, most elected, the first senate took 
office in
1775. It had a biennial term. Elections were not by universal adult franchise. 
Electoral College comprised of taxpayers paying minimum 320 ‘reis fortes.’

The ‘Camara’ was short-lived. A Portuguese Governor called Jose Pedro da Camara
(Sept-1774 to May-1779) killed the Camara in 1777. Administrators appointed by 
Camara ran the affairs of the Salcete Camara. The Camara was reestablished only
on March 28, 1783.

With the dawn of Lisbon liberalism, local political parties like ‘Patuléa’ and 
were formed in 1844. These were later replaced by ‘Partido Ultramarino’ and 

Elections in Goa never really were smooth. Those of Sept 21, 1890 were the 
Salcete by now had nearly one lakh inhabitants and about 2,000 voters. 
on the intense rivalry between ‘Ultramarino’ and ‘Indiano,’ Governor Vasco 
de Carvalho Menezes (1889-91) decided to rig the polls, pro his ‘official 
for “deputado” to the Lisbon Parliament.

What came to be known as “Eleiçao Sangrenta de Setembro 21, 1890” began earlier
than the scheduled hour. Officials furiously stamped ballot papers behind the 
door of the municipality. ‘Indiano’ leaders and supporters laid siege to the 
and broke open its door. Governor Carvalho Menezes was prepared for such
contingency. An armed force of 150 (some say 300) Mulatto troops had been sent
from Panjim by boat to Rachol, thence to Margao.

As the column marched from the barracks (present South Police HQ) down Abade
Faria Road to the sound of bugles, ‘Indiano’ leaders got voters to retreat to 
near the
Holy Spirit parochial house. Under command of military officers, Raimundo de 
Castelo Branco and Claudio Correia Mendes, the soldiers turned around the
municipality and fanned out from Rua de Norte to encircle the gathered crowd, 
as quickly, scampered for safety. The taluka Administrator, Lt. Col. Luis 
Carneiro de
Souza e Faro (which, in Konknni, means gunshot) ordered the troops to open fire.
They shot like mad, at anything on two legs.

Twenty-three innocents – including a Christian woman emerging from church after
Mass, a Gawda woman who had just bought medicines at the Nuno Alvares
pharmacy, and a mentally challenged Ponciano de Albuquerque seated at his balcao
watching the ‘fun’ – were killed. Dozens were injured. For the first time, Goa 
on international ticker channels, like the Reuters despatch from Bombay.

This tragic mini-Jallianwalla Bagh massacre (29 years before the real thing in
Amritsar) naturally caused deep outrage and resentment. The ensuing mando,
understandably, spawned several versions, four of which the Goan historian, late
Carmo do Azavedo analyzed on the centenary of the dark event. The most common
runs as follows (my loose translation in brackets):

Setembrache ekvissaveru (On Sept 21)
Camrachem foddlem daru (the door of the municipality was broken)
Deddxen soldad addle (150 soldiers were brought)
Morgouvan Ponje corun taru (by boat from Panjim to Margao.)

Mis zanvchea vellaru (At the time of Mass)
Rogtacheo zaleo zori (there were springs of blood)
Pad'Lucas alment mari (Fr. Lucas sprinkled holy water)
Otmem salvar cori (saving souls.)

I promise you less macabre stories next Sunday! (To conclude.)

P.S.: An e-mail says planet Mars will be brightest on Aug. 27, 12:30 am, when it
comes closest to earth. The next time Mars will look like earth’s 2nd moon is 
in 2287
AD. (Ends.)

The Valmiki Faleiro weekly column at:


The above article appeared in the August 24, 2008 edition of the Herald, Goa

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