Fr Pratap Naik wrote:
Parrikar was the best speaker. He had done thorough home work. One could see 
this the way he spoke and presented the matter in the house. He suggested to 
form a committee comprising MLAs , Marathi protagonists 
and Roman script Protagonists and within two months to come to a consensus on 
the language issue and to settle it based on the views of the majority. 

I would read a lot of hidden meaning in this suggestion. I do not see why 
Marathi protogonists have to be co-opted into a committee to take a decision on 
according equal legal status to Konkani in the Roman script.I would not be 
surprised if it is a back-door attempt to secure official and equal status for 
Marathi by blackmailing the Konkani (Roman script) protogonists by conceding 
them equal status for Konkani in the roman script in exchange for official 
status for Marathi. In fact, in the interview with Rajan Parrikar, if I 
remember correctly, Manohar Parrikar did make such a suggestion.It would be a 
pyrrhic victory for the roman script Konkani protogonists were this to happen.



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