Summary of Chapter 3 in "Cracking Da Vinci's Code" by G&J
Continuing false claims in Da Vinci Code.
1. Prior to the Church, there was a matriarchal culture that the church 
attempted to crush. (pg 124)
2. The church hunted down and killed more than 5 million women over three 
centuries as part of brutal reeducation. (pg 125)
3. The church even today seeks to demonize and repress women.
4. Jesus was the original feminist. (pg 248)
Prof Langdon (Harvard professor none-the-less) claims "Powerful men in the 
early church conned the world by propagating lies that devalued the female ... 
the world was converted from matriarchal paganism to patriarchal Christianity." 
(pg 124)   
The reality is the Church liberated women.  Its 
teachings unequivocally supported strict monogamy; and against multiple wives, 
mistresses, concubines, slaves, prostitution, etc.  The Romans did not care 
about the religious beliefs of their subjects.. But the Romans could not 
tolerate a belief that altered their way of life. This was a major reason for 
the persecution of the apostles, leaders and believers of the early Church.
DB's central theme that paganism affirmed women and the Church destroyed and 
killed them is absurd.  Yet DB manages to combine fact and fiction - "faction"; 
that has real-life implications today - just like Guardian of the Dawn.  If the 
readers of the two books do not believe that, the authors of both books are 
serious about the real-life implications of their work as seen from their press 
G&J quotes a reference who points out that never in the history of human 
civilization, and prior to that, was there a matriarchal society.  Humans went 
from being "Hunter-Gatherers" to societies that was into acquisition of lands 
and territories in a "conquer or be conquered" philosophy.  All societies have 
had standing or stand-by armies; which were male dominated.
The repression of women is undertaken by both 'age-old' cults and modern 'new 
age' movements by suggesting that sexual intercourse is the way for men to 
experience divinity.  The logic 'uses' women in a patronizing manner for the 
elevation of men.  This chapter introduces the concept of the "sacred feminine" 
which plays an important role in defining the hidden agenda of the novel. In 
later chapters, G&J describe the origin and concepts of "goddess spirituality" 
... and ... "free men and virgins" which is an euphemism for spiritual and 
physical nakedness. These chapters also discuss parallels between ancient 
agnosticism and 'new age' spirituality.
Regards, GL

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