Regarding the unabashed joy of Indians at Bindra's victory we have to note a
few points. Some of which I read three days ago in a piece by by Shashi
Tharoor the Daily Yomiuri (English ed). Indian victories by and large in any
field are largely by sheer individual effort and determination -- the state
does practically nothing, except jump up and down, starting with officials
who genuinely begin believing that its is they who make the winds shift or
perhaps smell of exotic fragrances. Of course when it comes to the IITs its
the state that at least provides monies. Chinese victories on the other hand
are entirely the effort of a state system. Bindra is a CEO of his own
hi-tech system. And he has a shooting range in his backyard -- ghara fatlean
voi durga bhitor. Which brings to mind that there is no reason as to why
those who have wealth as do many on Goanet -- achieve things, if that is of
interest, in areas other than what they received their degrees in -- as
Pamela D'Mello's recent article on the Derek Menezes made amply clear.

The article also mentioned that when it comes to top level planning,
(NB(vjp): not to be confused with sending satellites into space) -- of the
kind that certain areas -- the Olympics for one need, such as logistics that
shift with the sport, the individual, the temperaments, the sexuality, the
exposure at top levels followed by analysis; sustained training, looking
after the day to day life and development of the athlete (this would be
everything in the existential: emotional, mental, focus, sustained planning
against goals --- that we simply come short.

China on the other hand will wipe out most things in its way for the alleged
good of the state, India is grinding it out with the Narmada Bachao Andolan
(34 years and counting). India exhausts you/us -- its citizens, China
gives one the round-house punch (shifted 1.2 million for Three Gorges), and
then there was Tiananmen which young Chinese have not even heard about,
or at a whole other level -- sending back the American F16 which was downed
a few years ago -- all crated up, after having studied it. Two different
approaches. China presumably even tweaked the atmosphere to generate the
climate it wanted, which allegedly is the cause of sudden rains recently in

Anyway, thats it. I am sitting at a Manga Kisha writing this post -- an odd
place where people come to play video games, read manga, watch anime and do
all sorts of highly visually stimulating stuf. People literally live here.
This is another sliver of a whole yet another existence.

 venantius j pinto
Yamagata, Japan (just passing through, just passing through)

Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2008 09:41:48 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The following essay by Indian humorist Melvin Durai is

When some Indians, who produce thousands of
> intellectual athletes, preen about being a superpower
> in the near future, doesn't this sound like a pathetic
> joke after watching these last Olympics and what China
> has achieved in a relatively short period, after
> awakening from and rejecting years of crushing
> economic Marxism?

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