Finally, the first hit on me by a Christian. My bothers the Hindus did so
in the past but realized that I am not after them and never was. They have
been some of the toughest so far. But that is straying just a wee bit from
UP Kamath's points. No problem, no malice.

The way I see it -- what UP Kamath was saying has to do with the way he sees
the beauty in those Mangalorean women. In Marathi, Pahanaryacha dhrusti made
soundarya satthavlela asto. (Beauty lies in the eyes of the behavior). Or so
it is said. In terms of a cultural visage the Mangalorean female could very
easily pass off as a Hindu, much like Syrian Christians. So I do not see
Kamath as being disgusted by Goan women, but leaning towards a continuity in
terms of carrying visual depictors from one Hindu lineage and maintaining
them as Catholics. I truly believe this is what he is saying.

Talking about kashtis, let me add that I have worn them, and would it help
you to know that I still on acassion do (or is it, as in Goanet parlance,
too much information) though not on the streets on New York. But I do have a
couple in New York. Thats a bit of Goan couture (made specially for me) in
New York.

Now say your bit if my point do not convice you or any one else. Believe me
this helps me understand the thinking behind many comments I read on Goanet.
About the ivory tower bit; Na re baba, mojea purvozannchen navm Kamat,
amgher Kamtigher muntat. Mozo pai BPT-itn ag gaddi ani maguir diesel gaddi
cholloitalo. Indira Gandhiche Emergencint amche nisontan zalem punn ti dusri
ghozal. Meaning, I come from working class and will always be one. The
difference being that I can read, and intuit and yes am wrong but no as a
matter of existence. Anyway, time to chill out a bit. But can I take on any
ivory tower erudites, Yes. Does that mean I cannot be not mistakenly
consider as being ivory tower. Of course not, and it does not hurt me. It
means something to be so assigned. Thanks.

Aomori, Japan

> Message: 10
> Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2008 02:54:54 +0000 (GMT)
> From: Bernado Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet] Ghanti
> To:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> One wonders if these living in ivory towers in the west are not benumbed by
> white culture? Or do they still assiduously preserve their culture ie.:
> wearing khastis and roaming round Times Square in New York and eating pasta
> with their fingers?
> BC
> Dear UP Kamath,
> There is a lot of depth to what you say about Maglorean Catholic women. And
> you cannot be faulted one bit. Besides slavery, it is the enslavement as in
> the enslaved mind that does one in -- as it appears to have done to the
> larger Goan population. I do believe that Goan Hindus despite assiduously
> preserving what they saw as their core identifications; also got benumbed
> under Portuguese influence. They benefited a lot although it is not that
> obvious. Furthermore, this I believe is one deeper reason why the political
> as well as aspects of Goan society were so desperate to be part of the
> Maharashtra fold -- perhaps in an existential way to become complete again
> -- or so I presume.
> The role of women in any society tells one a lot about that society, and in
> the end it is usually the women who fight for justice as well as salvation
> (not in the Christian sense) from any form of enslavement as has been seen
> often in modernity.
> Again, splendid points UP.
> venantius j pinto

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