Fundamentalism is common to all religions Christians, Hindus, Muslims etc
as there are fanatics everywhere. We need to opposes all these fanatics
I do not understand how some so called  "Secular" Goans can vouch for the
Congress vs. the BJP... none are my favourites but if  people want to
portray BJP  as anti-Goa then what about the Congress, which is actively
promotion non-goan migrant votebanks and sale of Goa to the Highest Bidder;
is this not doom for Goa and will this clash of cultures (if not stopped)
promote instability?

And to those speaking from the so called comfort of the US & UK and trying
to project Goa as dangerous place,  maybe they should take some time out and
see the crime statistics in their adopted countries which is among the
highest, in the democratic world.


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