Selma Carvalho writes: "Not for one moment can I imagine a member of
the Nehru family, sitting in their offices writing memos and
contemplating on deplorable situations. No, they would be in the thick
of it, walking the streets, talking to people and risking the bullet
if need be. Nehru himself would have jumped into the fray, asking to
be killed first. Unfortunately Manmohan proved to be an administrator
rather than a man of action."


While almost every Indian with basic human values would be upset over
the recent tragic incidents in Orissa and I can understand Selma's
pain and anguish over this, what I fail to understand is how she can
extol the virtues of the Nehru- Gandhi family who, if I were to recall
history, were involved in similar, if not worse incidents in the past.

Does Selma forget how Indira Gandhi brought democracy "to a grinding
halt" by imposing the Emergency rule - the darkest period in Indian
democratic history, when civil rights and liberties were suspended and
the Constitution turned into a meaningless document, when Parliament
and the courts were made virtually ineffective, and when thousands of
protestors, political opponents and strike leaders were arrested and
brutally tortured in horrible prison cells?

Does she also forget the 1984 Anti-Sikh pogrom that took place in the
aftermath of Indira Gandhi's assassination, when the caretaker Prime
Minister Rajiv Gandhi delayed sending the Indian Army by 3 days,
giving mobs of Congress workers and activists led by leaders like
H.K.L. Bhagat, Sajjan Kumar, and Jagdish Tytler virtually a free hand
to ransack and loot Sikh establishments, enter Sikh Colonies, pull out
Sikh passengers from buses and trains to be either lynched or doused
with kerosene and burnt, thereby massacring nearly 3000 Sikhs in the

And does she also forget how Rajiv Gandhi tried to justify this
horrible and gruesome Carnage with his infamous statement "When a big
tree falls, the earth is bound to shake".

We always knew that Public memory is short but now we know that
Selma's memory is even shorter!

Or maybe this is just one more of her off-days :-)


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