'Goa's corruption level alarming'
8 Sep 2008, 0512 hrs IST,TNN

PANAJI: Goa has an 'alarming' level of corruption, finds a study involving 
below poverty level families vis-à-vis their access to public services. The 
state rubs shoulders with Nagaland among smaller states and Union territories, 
and five other bigger states, including Bihar. 

The joint study by Delhi-based Centre for Media Studies (CMS) and Transparency 
International India (TII) and released recently covered all 31 states and union 
territories and interviewed the poor in urban slums and rural areas. 

The states were ranked into four levels - alarming, very high, high and 
moderate. Among the bigger states who share the 'honours' with Goa for the 
alarming level of corruption are Assam, Jammu and Kashmir and Madhya Pradesh. 

Chief Secretary J P Singh declined to comment, saying, "I will have to see the 
report." However, Ganesh Chodankar, general secretary, Goa Government Employees 
Association said the findings are accurate. "For any appointment in government 
service, one has to pay huge sums underhand," he said. 

"It is the political class which is responsible for the malaise," he said. 

In Goa, households of poor families in Panaji, Margao, Ponda and Sanguem were 
contacted for the survey on corruption in eleven public services, including 
power, water supply, as also need-based services like land 
records/registration, housing, and police. 

As far as awareness about Right to Information Act and its use by BPL 
households is concerned, Goa figured at the bottom with only 1.2% of BPL 
families in the state aware about the potential of RTI as a tool to curb 

The awareness in Bihar was marginally higher at 1.4%, Himachal Pradesh 2.9%, 
Haryana 2.9% while Andhra Pradesh topped with 13%.




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