<1) The efficient airports in the world are run by companies that are
established to make profits. All that any govt should be concerned about is
providing basic health, education and utility services for its residents.
Every time the govt tries to use taxes to run what should be for profit
enterprises, the govt will wind up using tax payers money to subsidize the
project. Good tax money is burnt on unprofitable ventures.2) Montreal has
the mothers of all dual airports. Both airports are unprofitable as they
have to compete against each other.3) Every air force flight that takes off
from Dabolim is burning your tax rupees, removing money from the economy.
Every civilian flight that arrives at Dabolim brings tourists with
(spending) money to boost the Goan economy. The sooner the centre comes to
its senses, the better it is going to be for the residents of Goa.>[Mervyn

1) The last time I checked there were only a handful of airports around the
world set up by "companies". BAA in the UK may be one. The others are in

2) No one denies that the two airport system of Montreal has had problems.
That may have led to the over-reaction in the industry of closing an
existing airport to boost the new one. This is what happened at Bangkok
until other problems forced a reopening of the old. It wont be a bed of
roses for Goa either but the onus is on the government of Goa to do what is
in the best interests of its people. Blindly relying on mantras  like "two
airports can co-exist", "PPP is the answer", "let investors decide" etc is
not the answer.

3) I can empathise with your reasoning but in the end it may just be wishful
thinking in the national security context and given the state of the
civilian-military interface in India. Good luck in your efforts.

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