Dear Lauram Salvi,

Do not try to misguide people by writing such articles.  Hindus are
85% in our country and 95% in Orissa. All of them are peace loving
people. We lived and brought up among themselves. They always hate

But it is an open truth that some of the fundamental organisations are
trying to brainwash  youngsters who have little knowledge of the world
and through them they carry out their evil missions.

It Laxmanananda Saraswati  was a peace loving person he would not have
been issuing provocative statements against Christians. Why he was
saying that Christians need to be wiped out. Why did he threatened
Christians not to celebrate Christmas last year. Why he went in a
violent march to demolish decorations put up by Christians for
Christmas last year and initiated terror?

I personally met Fr. Edward, Fr. Bernard and Fr. Thomas who
miraculously survived in the attack. Fr. Edward was saying that he did
not even see Laxmanananda Saraswati as his orphanage was more than 400
km away. The VHP leaders in his area had initially troubled him but he
could win their hearts through his good deeds. They were my friends he
said. Though one small girl came and informed him that he will be
burnt he never cared. He thought why anybody will trouble him. He also
said he never converted a single person in his 28 years of service. He
was only running a leprosy centre and an orphanage for unprivileged
girls. He was questioning that if it was not an organised terror how
it was possible to spread at the same time at all places even up to
his place which is more than 400k away?

We do not know who killed Saraswati. If fundamental organisations
blame Christians for his murder why can't some other person or
organisation accuse that he was killed by the members of one of the
fundamental organisations to initiate hatred and terror against

But it is very painful to understand that just because of these few
evil minded people the name of the large number of peace loving
Hindu's get maligned.

Also remember that missionaries are working in tribal areas for
centuries together. If there was any kind of forcible conversion was
taken place then there would have been at least 40% presence of
Christians. But remember Christian population in Orissa is only 2%
inspite  major institutions, schools, hospitals are run by Christians.

If VHP which is registered as a social charitable trust really cares
his people and works for the upliftment of the Hindus and safeguard
them then it should engage into such activities (Building
institutions, schools, Hospitals etc) to get reputation in the

Remember evil methods are exposed one day or other.


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