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India in the world: how we see ourselves
Meera Nanda

As many as 90 per cent of us told the Pew pollsters that religion must be
kept separate from government policy. But in reality, how many of us stand
up for God-government separation, something we say weare committed to?

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of us all?" A modern version
of the Snow White question was recently asked of people in 47 countries
across the world by the United States-based Pew Foundation for its 2007
Global Attitudes survey.

Guess who is the most bewitched by their own self-image? We are. Indians
rank number one in the world in thinking that  they are number one in the
world, at least when it comes to  their culture.

The Pew poll asked people in 47 countries if they agreed or disagreed with
the following statement: "our people are not perfect, but our culture is
superior to others." Indians topped the list, with a whopping 93 per cent
agreeing that our culture was superior to others, with 64 per cent agreeing
completely, without any reservations.

Now all people have a soft spot for their own culture. But to see how
off-the-charts our vanity is, let us compare ourselves with the other
"ancient civilisations" in our neighbourhood. Compared to our 64 per cent,
only 18 per cent of the Japanese and only 20 per cent Chinese had no doubt
at all that their culture was the best. Indeed, close to one quarter of
Japanese and Chinese — as compared to our meagre 5 per cent — disagreed that
their ways were the best.

The U.S. — a country universally condemned for its cultural imperialism —
comes across as suffering from a severe case of inferiority complex when
compared with us. Only 18 per cent Americans had no doubts about the
superiority of their culture, compared with our 64 per cent. Nearly a
quarter of Americans expressed self-doubts, and 16 per cent completely
denied their own superiority. The corresponding numbers from India are five
and one per cent.

The strange thing is that for a people who think so highly of our own
culture, we are terribly insecure. A startling 92 per cent of Indians —
almost exactly the same proportion who think we are the best — think that
"our way of life needs to be protected against foreign influences." Here,
too, we beat the Japanese, the Chinese, and the Americans by about 25-30
percentage points. When it comes to feeling embattled and needing
protection, we are closer to our Islamic neighbours, Pakistan (82 per cent)
and Bangladesh (81 per cent). Indeed, we feel so embattled that 84 per cent
of us want to restrict entry of people into the country, compared with only
75 per cent of those asked in the U.S., a country where legal and illegal
immigration is of a magnitude higher than anywhere in the world.
So, paradoxically, our vanity is matched only by our persecution complex.
The Pew survey did not probe deeper into what exactly we are so proud of,
and what  we are so scared of. But given that almost all of us grow up
hearing how "spiritual" our culture is, it is quite likely that we worry
that foreign cultures will corrupt our spiritual values with their crass

Well, we need not worry. When it comes right down to it, we are as
materialistic as the worst of them. Indians turn out to be among the most
gung-ho when it comes to support for "free" markets. The Pew poll asked this
question: "most people are better off in a free market economy, even though
some people are rich and some poor." The enthusiasm for the market economy
in India exceeded that in the U.S., the bastion of unrestrained capitalism:
76 per cent of Indians, as compared with 70 per cent of Americans, are
pro-market despite the problem of inequality. A solid 40 per cent of Indian
respondents had no reservations and no doubts about the desirability of
markets, while only 25 per cent of Americans were so unreserved.

A comparison with China and Russia — two countries with memories of a
communist past — is instructive. While China and Russia are as much, if not
more, integrated into the global economy as us, only 17 per cent of Russians
and 15 per cent of Chinese supported the markets without any reservations
and doubts.

More complicated
But we are actually more complicated than these numbers indicate. While we
say we like free markets, 92 per cent of us also want the state to step in
and take care of the poor. Our level of support for a welfare state is,
commendably, much higher than in the U.S. (70 per cent) and is comparable to
support for public welfare in Russia (86 per cent) and China (90 per cent).
Indian support for state intervention on behalf of the poor is actually
higher than it is in France (83 per cent), Germany (87 per cent), both of
which have highly developed state welfare economies.

On the whole, Indian public opinion appears to support a benign capitalism
where the state ensures the welfare of the poor. At least this is what we
tell the pollsters. This would be great if our actions matched our words.
While we say that we are for state intervention on behalf of the poor, our
upper and middle classes (the kind of people foreign pollsters talk to) have
always preferred privatised services in schools, hospitals, transportation,
and garbage collection and, down the list, over public goods that the poor
can also benefit from. The haves in India, on the whole, do not extend a
sense of solidarity to the poor. While the educated professionals who are
reaping the gains of globalisation have gained enormously from
state-subsidised education and other urban privileges, they see their
success as the fruit of their own good karma and …
… the grace of God, of course. In the God department, we Indians simply
leave others in the dust. We topped the list at 80 per cent agreeing with
the statement that "success in life is pretty much determined by forces
outside our control." No other country came even close: the U.S. stood at a
mere 33 per cent, China at 65 per cent, Russia at 59 per cent, and Japan at
47 per cent.
Granted that God or Fate are not the only forces outside our control:
indeed, sometimes even a babu in an office can become a "force outside your
control" if you don't have enough money to bribe him. But considering how
much time, money and effort we spend on placating the gods and the stars, it
is quite likely that our respondents had these supernatural forces in mind.

Indeed, 92 per cent of Indian respondents told the Pew pollsters that
"religion was very important" to them. Only Senegal beat us at 97 per cent.
But we came out ahead of our South Asian neighbours, with Pakistan at 91 per
cent and Bangladesh at 88 per cent. Japan is practically atheist at 12 per
cent, while the Chinese simply did not allow the question to be asked. The
U.S., fabled for its religiosity among the richer countries, trails far
behind us at a mere 59 per cent.

Not only do we think God is "very important," we hold belief in God as an
indicator of personal morality. As many as 66 per cent of us think that "it
is necessary to believe in God in order to be moral and have good values."
In other words, a majority of us believe that atheists cannot be moral. We
are closer in this to our Islamic neighbours, with Pakistan at 88 per cent
and Bangladesh at 90 per cent, than to the Chinese (17 per cent) and the
Japanese (33 per cent).

Another striking feature of our views regarding religion is the gap between
what we say and what we do. As many as 90 per cent of us told the pollsters
that "religion is a matter of personal faith and must be kept separate from
government policy." In this, we are ahead of the U.S. (80 per cent), the
country which swears by the "wall of separation" between church and state.
Our numbers are right up there with the most secularised countries in the
world, with Britain and France at 91 per cent and Germany at 88 per cent.

So we want religion to be kept separate from the government. But when did
you last hear anyone protesting when our presidents and prime ministers, in
their official capacities, bow before gurus and sants? Idols and pictures of
gods and goddesses openly and routinely adorn government offices — from
police thanas to libraries in public universities. How many of us stand up
for God-government separation, something we say we are committed to?

All said and done, we have many miles to go before we can match the high
expectations we have of ourselves. The good news, of course, is that we have
such high expectations of ourselves.
(The complete survey can be found at

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