Albert writes.
God created the earth and He created trees and ocean and fishes and everything 
only for the benefit of man. But man created religion and he created castes and 
colour and divided the earth .Man became greedy and the effect of man's greed 
can be seen today .Problems in Goa, problems in UK problems in USA. Do you 
agree with me ? Our whole problem is we do not know to solve our problems 
because our prayers are man made and goes into the air. Today we do not look up 
to Our Heavenly Father and praise Him for His glory. We are taught from infancy 
prayers that go into the air. We do not speak the language of the heart. We 
speak the language of some human beings. We ought to meditate. God speaks to us 
only when we are far away from the worldly noise. Today our religious leaders 
are living in confusion. One leader will contradict the other leader of its own 
kind. Because our religion is also man made. We want to defend Christianity. If 
Christianity is the religion that Jesus has created with his blood and 
sacrifice then it should be Father centred and if it is not created by Jesus 
through his blood and the cross then it is man made. There is no level of 
thinking. All inspirations should come from the one who has created You and Me. 
The Heavenly Father who loves you. If Christianity is created by Jesus through 
his blood and cross with the blessings of His Father then our religion should 
be based on Love God and Love human beings. Just one to one. One is God and the 
other is you. By creating saints and different size Marys we cannot achieve 
Heavenly abode because all our feasts are just fiasco. Mary who was the mother 
of Jesus was God's creation and this Mary did the will of God by saying yes. 
She followed God's plan .She love God the Father and she loved His creations. 
We have amply proof. Visit to Elizabeth and the wedding at Cana are enough 
proofs. In today's world one Mary is powerful than the other. That is the 
common belief and that is the reason people rush to Valankani because they 
believe that saibin is better than the one you have in your church.The thing is 
there is only one Mary who loved Jesus and took care of him from Manager till 
he was able to go into the world but did not leave him when he was going to the 
cross. She did what every mother would do. So this Mary of Jesus is better than 
the Marys that has been created by us. The first Mary loved God and made Him 
the creator and the planner. She loved God and obyed His commandments. She 
loved Jesus and loved others too

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