Laluram Salvi's comments on Christian Missionaries are partly true.  I say
"partly" because this was what was said and done by many missionaries till
the early 1960s.

The Second Vatican Council from 1962 to 1965 changed this.  During this
Council the attitude of the CATHOLIC CHURCH changed and documents were
written and promulgated of respect for all religions.  Of couse not all
Catholics read or practiced what was written in these documents. In fact for
many years even priests who had been trained earlier did not read these
documents. or put them into practice.

I stress CATHOLIC CHURCH because Christianity is today made up of many
denominations with newer ones coming up every few years and maybe even every
few months.  And each one believes and preaches differently.  Of course most
people who are not Christians do not know about this diversity and lump all
Christians together.

The pamphlets that Laluram speaks about were distributed by one of the
newest denomination of christians and in fact were not approved by many
other denominations of christians. This led to the damaging of ALL christian
places of worship even those who were against these leaflets.

I too condemn the belief that led to the printing and distribution of the
leaflets.  But do we need to resort to violence to make known our
disagreement?  Would it not have been better to enter into a dialogue /
disussion with the members of the New Life Church?


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